New Directions in Metamemory Research

New Directions in Metamemory Research

herausgegeben von Monika Undorf, Vered Halamish

Reihe: Zeitschrift für Psychologie - Band 46

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New Directions in Metamemory Research
ISBN: 9780889375819
2020, iv/76 Seiten
€ 32,73
Artikelnummer: BV-ZP
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New Directions in Metamemory Research


Learn about new methods for investigating metamemory and read about the latest developments in the field

Metamemory is ubiquitous in everyday life: We are confronted with what we know about our own learning and memory processes and how we assess and regulate these processes on a daily basis. The research collated here explores new methods for the study of metamemory (computational neuroimaging, verbal reports as data, and time-based measures) and addresses current and emerging research questions that advance our understanding of the basis, validity, and consequences of metamemory. It indicates links between metamemory and other related concepts, suggests how different perspectives on metamemory may be integrated, and identifies gaps in our knowledge about memory that deserve attention in future research. These new directions are made possible through the knowledge gained from diverse disciplines, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, and neuroscience.

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Ref-ID:600581_M   P-ID:600581_M

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