Cross-walks ICD-10 – DSM-IV-TR

A Synopsis of Classifications of Mental Disorders

herausgegeben von Michael Schulte-Markwort, K. Marutt, Peter Riedesser


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Cross-walks ICD-10 – DSM-IV-TR (PDF)
ISBN: 9781616762681
2nd printing 2008, 79 Seiten
Cross-walks ICD-10 – DSM-IV-TR


The clearly laid-out tables in this book allow quick comparisons to be made between the two major classifications of mental disorders, DSM-IV (including the latest TR version) and ICD-10. The cross-walks (in both directions) detail all the significant differences between the two systems, thus helping both clinicians and researchers avoid having to resort to complicated and time-consuming comparisons between the two manuals.

From the reviews

"This book provides an overview of the camparisans between the diognostic criteria used by ICD-10 & DSM·IV-TR in a very clear andconcise manner by giving the information in a weil organized tabled format. It serves to be a time saving tool."
Meetali Devgun in Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Book Reviews, 2012

Ref-ID:600268_M   P-ID:600268_M

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