Matthew J.W. Thomas
Westwood Thomas Associates
12 John Street
South Australia 5034
Tel. +61 438 808808
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Aims and Scope
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors publishes innovative, original, high-quality applied research covering all aspects of the aerospace domain. All scientific papers are peer-reviewed, double blind. In order to make the journal accessible to both practitioners and scientific researchers, the contents are broadly divided into original scientific research articles and papers for practitioners. The fully peer-reviewed Original Articles cover a variety of methodological approaches, ranging from experimental surveys to ethnographic and observational research, from those psychological and human factors disciplines relevant to the field, including social psychology, cognitive psychology, and ergonomics. High-quality critical review articles and meta-analyses cover particular topics of current scientific interest. Shorter studies are published as Research Notes. APAHF in Practice consists of less technically written, but still fully peer-reviewed articles covering a wide range of topics, such as comments on incidents and accidents, innovative applications of aviation psychology, and reviews of best practices in industry. Finally, the journal’s News and Announcements section features past and upcoming events around the world, association news, interviews, and similar.
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors is archived with Portico.
Publication ethics
The journal and its editors adhere to, and expect its authors to adhere to, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards.
Best Paper Award 2023
The manuscript Does Deliberately Going Beyond Alarms in Stall Recovery Exercises Lead to Negative Training by A. Landman, D. Mol, M. van Emmerik and E. Groen published in Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors (2023), 13(2), pp. 128-136, has been selected by the Editor-in-Chief, the Editor and the Associate Editors of the journal for the Best Paper Award 2023.
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Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors – Open for Submissions!
Papers are processed on a “first come – first serve” basis
Publication date: March / September
Science Informing Practice and Practice Informing Science
Julia Behrend and Matthew J. W. Thomas
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-2
Insights Into the Future
Julia Behrend and Matthew J. W. Thomas
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 81-82
Humans and Technology
Julia Behrend and Matthew J. W. Thomas
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-1
Welcome From the New Editorial Team
Julia Behrend and Matthew J. W. Thomas
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 71-71
Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives
29 rue d’Ulm
75005 Paris
Matthew J.W. Thomas
Westwood Thomas Associates
12 John Street
South Australia 5034
Tel. +61 438 808808
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Robert Bor
Royal Free Hospital
10th Floor, Pond Street
London, NW3 2QG
United Kingdom
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Mickaël Causse
10 avenue Edouard Belin
31055 Toulouse
Tel. +33 (0)5 61 33 81 28
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Ioana Koglbauer
Graz University of Technology
Kopernikusgasse 24/III
8010 Graz
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Harald Kolrep
University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication, and Management
Ackerstraße 76
13355 Berlin
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Monica Martinussen
RKBU North
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Tromsø
9037 Tromsø
Tel. +47 776 45881
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Michaela Schwarz
Accredited Aviation Psychologist
Olga-Rudel-Zeynekgasse 09/43
8054 Graz
Guy Boy, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA / France
Thomas Carretta, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH, USA
Robert de Boer, University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sidney Dekker, Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Mount Gravatt, QLD, Australia
Shan Fu, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai, PR China
Kazuo Furuta, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Hans-Gerhard Giesa, Airbus Operations GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Don Harris, Coventry University, Bedford, UK
Brent Hayward, Dédale Asia Pacific, Albert Park, VIC, Australia
Brian Hilburn, Center for Human Performance Research, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
David Hunter, Consultant, Peoria, AZ, USA
Hung-Sying Jing, Institute of Civil Aviation, Tainan, Taiwan
Peter Jorna, HFI Solutions, Laage Vuursche, The Netherlands
Wolfgang Kallus, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Wen-Chin Li, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK
Carol Manning, MMAC/FAA, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Dietrich Manzey, Technical University, Berlin, Germany
Lena Mårtensson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Peter Maschke, German Aerospace Center DLR, Hamburg, Germany
Randy Mumaw, Boeing Commercial Airplane, Seattle, WA, USA
Jan Joris Roessingh, National Aerospace Laboratory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gideon Singer, Swedish Accident Investigation Authority, Stockholm, Sweden
Anthony Smoker, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Pamela Tsang, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA
Michael Vidulich, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA
Mark Wiggins, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Ann Williamson, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors is published in 2 issues per year.
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