

Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach

herausgegeben von Lionel Chudzik, Filippo Aschieri

Reihe: Yearbook of the International Rorschach Society - Band 41

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ISBN: 9780889375796
2020, viii/222 Seiten
77,95 €
inkl. USt.
Artikelnummer: BV-RO Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach
Abrechnung je Ausgabe
Band 44
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Band 43
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Band 42
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Band 40
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Thought-provoking contributions from the world of the Rorschach – including a special section exploring projective methods and collaborative and therapeutic assessment

This latest volume of Rorschachiana illustrates the diversity of ideas and applications that projective methods offer. In a general section, we see how the Rorschach method can be applied to different client groups: in the study of neural and cognitive aging, in the assessment of complex trauma in youth, as well as in the clinical assessment of migraine patients. A case study examines the psychodynamic assessment of psychosis in adolescence using the French School Method.

A special section explores one of the most important advances in the field of psychological assessment: Collaborative and Therapeutic Assessment (CTA). This brief therapeutic intervention uses psychological assessment to put the client at the center of the process. Written by leading authors from around the world, contributions explore the role of CTA and projective methods from a variety of perspectives, including: the Thurston Cradock Test of Shame, contemporary integrativeinterpersonal theory, and using the Rorschach in an evidence-based setting or with adolescents in a group setting, as well as with clients with trauma and oppositional defiant disorder.

Ref-ID:600579_M   P-ID:600579_M

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