Social Anxiety Disorder

von Martin M. Antony, Karen Rowa

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 12

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Social Anxiety Disorder
ISBN: 9780889373112
1st edition 2008, x/102 Seiten
24,95 €
inkl. USt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um eine Einzellizenz für eine Person handelt.

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Social Anxiety Disorder (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616763114
1st edition 2008, x/102 Seiten
21,99 €
inkl. USt.
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Social anxiety is characterized by excessive anxiety or discomfort in situations where a person might feel judged or evaluated by others, including performance situations (e.g., being the center of attention, public speaking, working under observation, playing sports or music in front of an audience) and situations involving interpersonal contact with others (e.g., making small talk, meeting new people, dating). According to large-scale epidemiological studies, social phobia is one of the most prevalent psychological disorders. Although prevalence estimates vary, recent studies suggest that approximately 7% of Americans suffer from this disorder. In addition to the high percentage of people with symptoms meeting criteria for this disorder, many other individuals experience social anxiety or shyness to a lesser, but still impairing degree. Social phobia is also a common comorbid condition, often diagnosed along with other anxiety disorders.

Taken together, this information suggests that practitioners are likely to encounter patients displaying some degree of social anxiety, no matter what specialty service or setting they occupy. Although social anxiety is a widely encountered problem, there are few resources available to provide straightforward, accessible assessment and treatment information for practitioners. This book aims to fill that gap. Over the past 20 years, effective tools have been developed to identify and treat individuals with social anxiety. The current book provides up-to-date information on the diagnosis, identification, conceptualization, and treatment of social anxiety and social phobia.

This book is aimed at practitioners who practice in a broad range of settings, from specialty clinics to general practice, as well as students. Existing books tend to focus on the psychopathology of social anxiety, address multiple disorders in one volume, or provide extensive and detailed protocols for treating this disorder. In contrast, this book is a more concise guide to identification and treatment that is accessible for the busy practitioner. It focuses specifically on social phobia and social anxiety, making it an attractive reference book for professionals who require clear, easy to follow guidelines on treatments for social anxiety.

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From the reviews

"In sum, the text by Antony and Rowa provides a useful guide for clinicians to gain basic information on the nature and treatment of SAD. The text is an excellent addition to the library of any clinician and trainee."
Prof. Stefan G. Hofman, PhD, Director, Social Anxiety Program, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston, MA, PsycCRITIQUES, 2008

Praise for the book

“This book fills an important gap in the literature – filled with clinical examples and advice,its straight-forward presentation will allow clinicians with various levels of expertise toimplement these efficacious interventions. [The authors] provide not only a valuabletool for their colleagues, but also hope for the millions who suffer from SAD.”
Deborah C. Beidel, PhD, Professor and Director of Clinical Training,University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

“A well-organized, reader-friendly guide... As a guide to clinical practice, this book hasmuch to recommend it.”
Lynn Alden, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology,University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

“[The authors] are to be congratulated for putting together a concise, practical, eminentlyreadable primer on diagnosis and treatment of SAD. Yes, the advice is evidence-based,but it is also grounded in years of experience treating patients… It is required readingfor any therapist seeking to broaden or sharpen their expertise in this area.”
Murray B. Stein, MD, MPH, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Department ofFamily and Preventive Medicine, Director, Anxiety & Traumatic Stress DisordersProgram, University of California San Diego, CA

“This is another well-presented, compact volume in the series "Advances in Pschotherapy"... The authors are well-respected authorities in the field of anxiety disorders, and the writing feels authoritative and user-friendly... This book displays an excellent understanding of the troubles encountered by sufferers of social anxiety... It is great to see authors of this calibre devoting serious attention to the most prevalent and arguably the most under-recognized of the anxiety disorders... an informative, cincise and attractive book for the practicing clinician... A readable, attractive, clinically-grounded and useable book, and there exists the definite hope that it may inspire clinicians to attend more closely to and feel more confident with this rather neglected, often hidden, but severely troubled population.”
Richard Scott, Institute fo Psychiatry, King's College London in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy vol. 37, 2009

Ref-ID:600311_M   P-ID:600311_M

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