Official organ:
Organ of the Working Group for Sport Psychology in Germany e.V., also organ of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs)
Impact factor:
0.4 (Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
Listed in:
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, PsyJOURNALS, SPORTdiscus, Heracles und SpoLit.
Edited by:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert
Complete editorial team
Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie
ISSN Print:
ISSN Online:
Official organ:
Organ of the Working Group for Sport Psychology in Germany e.V., also organ of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs)
Impact factor:
0.4 (Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
Listed in:
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, PsyJOURNALS, SPORTdiscus, Heracles und SpoLit.
Edited by:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert
Complete editorial team
The Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (JASEP) aims to advance thought, theory, and research on applied and basic aspects of sport and exercise psychology. JASEP invites all types of scientifically sound research (e.g., experiments, qualitative research) addressing scientific issues and/or theory development related to sport and exercise in ecologically valid settings (instead of context-free basic research; cf. JASEP is open to diverse methodological approaches and to a variety of publication formats that aim at presenting results from high-quality empirical research (quantitative and qualitive) and well-grounded reports and studies from practitioners as well. Through a thorough peer-review process, JASEP ensures the publication of research that has considerable impact on the field of sport and exercise psychology. The journal promotes the development of psychological theory, research, questionnaire validation, intervention strategies, and implications for bridging the gap between theory and practice in the context of sport and exercise psychology, incorporating information and expertise from exercise and sport sciences as well as from psychology. The settings of conducted research may include (but are not limited to) the areas of competitive sports (elite and amateur level), education, and health (e.g., rehabilitation). JASEP emphasizes original research reports that advance our understanding of psychological and cognitive mechanisms related to sport and exercise. Also, review papers, position papers, replication studies, and registered reports are welcome.
The target audience of JASEP includes researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of sport and exercise psychology, as well as professionals involved in sports activities such as coaches, trainers, therapists, organizations, and officials. JASEP aims to provide a platform for the publication of contemporary scientific issues, knowledge, and experiences for these target groups and to promote the practical application of research findings in the field of sport and exercise.
The journal has been publishing high-quality, innovative research since 1994 and has been published quarterly by Hogrefe since 2004 (until volume 30 as "Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie" (ISSN 1612-5010)).
The Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology is archived with Portico.
The Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie is changing its name to Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (JASEP)
The field of sport and exercise psychology is constantly evolving. Both on the scientific and applied (practical) level, it continues to gain importance, and the community of researchers and practitioners is growing on a global scale. As a subject-specific outlet for sport and exercise psychologists, it is our mission to contribute to this positive progress. In order to offer researchers from all over the world a high-quality outlet and to make the content of our journal even more accessible to the global community, we join this development.
Sport psychology is an applied subject that relates to concrete, ecologically valid problems in the field. One of its main aims is therefore to focus on using theories and scientific procedures (e.g., experiments and qualitative research) to solve these problems and derive practical recommendations for practitioners. JASEP will continue to emphasize this approach – from now on with a new, well-suited journal name.
Daniel Memmert, Köln
"The new English name of our traditional journal „Sport Psychology“ will certainly generate a greater international reach and therefore also increase the impact of our journal. This is a correct and important step".
Oliver Stoll, President of asp
Call for Papers
The Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (JASEP) is planning a special issue on the topic "Physical Activity and Neuroscience", which will be published in 2025. As guest editors, we would like to invite you to submit your own contributions. Please submit your manuscript to the Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (JASEP) via the Editorial Manager by June 10, 2024 and include the keyword "Physical Activity and Neuroscience" under "Comment".
Looking forward to your contributions, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink, Dr. Corinna Pechtold-Stefan, & PD Dr. Christian Rominger (University of Graz, Department of Psychology)
For authors
We are looking forward to receiving your manuscript for Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology. Please read and take notice of the instructions to authors before submitting your manuscript. Please use the APA style for English articles. Please submit your manuscript via Editorial Manager. Thank you!
Wir freuen uns über Ihre Einreichung für die Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere Hinweise für Autor*innen, bevor Sie Ihr Manuskript einsenden. Bitte orientieren Sie sich bei deutschsprachigen Manuskripten an den Richtlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Ihr Manuskript reichen Sie bitte elektronisch über den Editorial Manager ein. Vielen Dank!
Open access funding for authors at German institutions FAQ for open access publication within the agreement with over 100 participating institutions have been summarized for you here. Authors from participating institutions can publish Plan S compliant.
Open Access-Förderung für Autor*innen an deutschen Einrichtungen Hier haben wir für Sie Hinweise zur Open Access-Publikation innerhalb einer Vereinbarung mit über 100 teilnehmenden Institutionen zusammengestellt. Autor*innen von teilnehmenden Institutionen können Plan S konform publizieren.
Special Issue "Coach-Athlete Relationship" Guest editor: Sören D. Baumgärtner (Goethe-University Frankfurt) and Jeannine Ohlert (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln)
Please submit your manuscript to the Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology via the Editorial Manager by December 31, 2023 and include the keyword "Coach-Athlete Relationship" under "Comment".
Beiträge, die in dem Themenheft erscheinen sollen, können ab sofort über dem Editorial Manager mit dem Stichwort "Themenheft Coach-Athlete Relationship" unter Kommentare eingereicht werden. Einreichungsfrist der Beiträge: 31.12.2023
Special Issue "Physical Activity and Neuroscience" Guest editor: Andreas Finke, Corinna Pechtold-Stefan, and Christian Rominger (Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Switzerland)
Please submit your manuscript to the Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology via the Editorial Manager by June 10, 2024 and include the keyword "Physical Activity and Neuroscience" under "Comment".
Beiträge, die in dem Themenheft erscheinen sollen, können ab sofort über dem Editorial Manager mit dem Stichwort "Themenheft Physical Activity and Neuroscience" unter Kommentare eingereicht werden. Einreichungsfrist der Beiträge: 10.06.2024
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It is important to the Hogrefe Publishing Group that our scientific journals and all the people involved adhere to the highest ethical standards. Please take a moment to review our guidelines on what this means for authors, editors, reviewers, and us as a publisher.
Der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe ist es wichtig, dass in unseren wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften alle Beteiligten die höchsten ethischen Standards beachten. Was das für Autor*innen, Herausgeber*innen, Gutachter*innen und uns als Verlag bedeutet, haben wir in Richtlinien festgehalten.
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Dr. PD Dr. Dennis Dreiskämper, Universität Münster Dr. Valentin Benzing, Universität Bern Prof. Dr. Petra Jansen, Universität Regensburg Associate Professor John van der Kamp , Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Assistant Professor Dr. Sandra Klaperski-van der Wal, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen Junior-Professorin Dr. Franziska Lautenbach, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin Dr. Sascha Leisterer, Universität Leipzig Dr. Dr. Karin Moesch, Malmö University, Sweden Dr. Elia Morgulev, Kaye Academic College of Education, Be'er Sheva, Israel Dr. Jeannine Ohlert, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln Dr. Dominic Orth, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Dr. Raôul Oudejans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Dr. Charlotte Raue-Behlau, Universität Münster Dr. André Roca, St. Mary's University, London Dr. Philipp Röthlin, Eidgenössische Hochschule für Sport, Magglingen Dr. Svenja Wachsmuth, Universität Tübingen
Editorial board
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Alfermann, Leipzig Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beckmann, München Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fuchs, Freiburg Prof. Dr. Frank Hänsel, Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Jörn Munzert, Gießen Prof. Dr. Henning Plessner, Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Markus Raab, Köln Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schlicht, Stuttgart Prof. Dr. Julia Schüler, Konstanz Prof. Dr. Bernd Strauß, Münster Prof. Dr. Andreas Wilhelm, Kiel
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Journal of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology is published in 4 issues per year. Subscriptions generally run from January to December. Shipping and handling costs are not included in the subscription price and amount to € 8.40 / other countries € 16,80. For individual customers, online access to the subscribed journal is included in the annual subscription rate. The online access is valid for the duration of the subscription. Institutional customers can choose between the following options: Print Only, eOnly, and a combination of Print & Online. Further information on our subscription conditions can be found in the Information for subscribers or in our current journals catalog.
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Individuals 2024
€ 83.00
(inkl. USt.)
Für die Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie in Deutschland e.V. (asp) ist der Abonnementspreis im Jahresbeitrag der Arbeitsgemeinschaft inbegriffen. Hier finden Sie Informationen zur Freischaltung der Online-Version.
Single issue 2024
€ 43.00
(inkl. USt.)
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Institutions 2024
€ 160.00
(inkl. USt.)
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Der oben angezeigte Preis gilt für Institutionen in der Option Print Only. Weiter Preise für eOnly oder Print & Online hängen von der Größe der Institution ab und können der untenstehenden Tabelle entnommen werde. Weitere Informationen zu unseren Abonnements und Preisen finden Sie in unserem Zeitschriftenverzeichnis. Oder kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail.
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