Shining Light on the Dark Side of Personality

Measurement Properties and Theoretical Advances

Forlægger: Peter Karl Jonason

Område: Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice - Bind 4

Shining Light on the Dark Side of Personality
ISBN: 9780889376151
2023, viii/320 Sider
540,00 kr


Learn which dark side of personality assessment to use and when

  • Introduces different assessment tools
  • Highlights the nuances between tests
  • Presents the relevant psychometric properties
  • Explores findings about human nature

More about the book

We encounter people who possess socially undesirable personality traits at subclinical levels in our day-to-day lives, whether it is the boss who acts like a jerk, a cheating partner, or a friend who rubs everyone the wrong way. This volume explores the latest research on the assessment of dark personality traits, including the Dark Triad of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. This volume, with an internationally renowned group of contributors, provides a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of the personality traits currently being explored.

Each chapter reviews two main topics. First, a particular measure used to study such traits is discussed. This section is geared to helping the reader understand how researchers in this area capture data on these traits and best decide which instrument they want to use and when. Second, each chapter then details what the psychometric data on the test reveals about human nature, including topics such as sex differences, workplace behaviors, sexuality, and value systems. In this way, the contributors highlight how the convergence of research from various measures can provide a broad mosaic of information about people colloquially called psychopaths, narcissists, spiteful, Machiavellian, and sadists.

This book is essential reading for anyone interested in test development and practitioners interested in the dark side of personality.

Watch a video interview with the editor Peter K. Jonason

Praise for the book

“This is a landmark publication, highlighting the best and the brightest researchers and scientific findings about the nature and effects of these disturbing but important traits. It’s highly informative, cutting edge, and sure to be a key reference for the coming decade.”
David M. Buss, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA

“This is a very important book – comprehensive, critical, and controversial. Above all, it is well edited, having contributions from all the major scholars in this area with a multidisciplinary perspective. The exponential growth in interest in the dark side of personality has necessitated this thoughtful appraisal of what we know and don’t know; where we need more (and less) research and theory development.”
Adrian Furnham, DPhil (Oxon), DSc (London), Adjunct Professor, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway

“Conceived, edited, and written by a veritable Who’s Who of researchers on subclinical manifestations of the dark side of people’s personality, this is an excellent resource for researchers hoping to accelerate their decisions on what measures to choose and expedite their literature review with major points of research covered in each chapter. Importantly, the style of writing is accessible, which will encourage new researchers to the field and help laypeople, students, and journalists better understand how research in this area is done. Last but not least, there is a no-holds-barred appraisal of the field at the end that points the way forward.”
Dario Maestripieri, PhD, Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago, IL, USA

“An indispensable guidebook exploring the most malevolent and antisocial corners of human nature. The succinct and punchy chapters are authored by many of the field’s preeminent thinkers, who lucidly sketch the state-of-the-art of conceptualization and measurement of the dark traits. The final section illuminates unresolved issues, ongoing debates, and avenues for future research. I do not know of a more comprehensive volume addressing this important and fascinating area of personality science.”
Luke D. Smillie, PhD, Director, Personality Processes Lab, University of Melbourne, Australia

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