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Congratulations to our award-winning Hogrefe authors!

Hogrefe authors Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., and Danny Wedding, Ph.D., have won distinguished awards based on their outstanding contributions in their respective fields of psychology.

The Raymond D. Fowler Service Award

We would like to congratulate Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., on receiving the Raymond D. Fowler Service Award at the IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology. This award honors an IPPA member who has gone “above and beyond to give his or her time in the service of advancing the field of positive psychology.”

The award is named after a prestigious IPPA Fellow, Ray Fowler, whose generosity and vision catalyzed the creation of IPPA back in 2007.

Dr. Niemiec has been a Hogrefe author for a number of years, and we value his bright attitude, diligence, and enthusiasm on the projects we have worked on together.

His most recent releases include the second edition of Mindfulness and Character Strengths and the brand-new accompanying workbook, Mindfulness and Character Strengths Workbook, which focus on his #1 mindfulness-based strengths practice program (MBSP). After theoretical primers, practitioners are led step-by-step through this eight-session program.

The Rosalee G. Weiss Award

Congratulations are also in order for Hogrefe author and editor Danny Wedding, Ph.D., who received the Rosalee G. Weiss Award for Outstanding Leaders in Psychology and gave a talk on The Portrayal of Psychologists and Psychopathology in Contemporary Cinema at the American Psychological Association Convention this month, including a discussion of his forthcoming book Movies and Mental Illness, which will be in its fifth edition. 

The award is named after psychology practitioner Rosalee G. Weiss, Ph.D., established in 1994 by Raymond A. Weiss, Ph.D., in honor of his wife. APA Div. 29 (Psychotherapy) and 42 (Psychologists in Independent Practice), upon approval by the APF board of trustees, select an annual Weiss lecturer to speak at the APA convention.

It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Wedding on numerous book titles and as series editor of the Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice series, where Dr. Wedding has been part of the team since the beginning. Developed and edited with the support of the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12), the series provides practical evidence-based guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of the most common disorders seen in clinical practice. Some of the topics in the series include anxiety disorders, addictions, and other serious mental illnesses.