Publication models
Publishing and distributing a journal article involves expenses at all stages during the review and publication process – these may start with expenses for the editorial office or online peer-review system and go right through copy-editing, typesetting, data preparation, online reference linking, printing and mailing of print issues, to hosting and archiving. In the traditional publishing model, journal subscriptions cover these expenses. With open access publication, they are covered by means of a one-time fee paid by you as author or your funding body (Article Publication Charge).
Whichever publishing option you choose, your article will be treated the same way by Hogrefe and by the editorial team of the journal in which it is published. All articles will be peer-reviewed in the usual manner. The decision to accept or reject articles is made before you choose which form of publication you want. All accepted papers will be professionally produced and published both in print and in electronic versions of the journal. Every article will be given a DOI and registered with CrossRef.
More information can be found in our Brief glossary of electronic publishing.
Traditional, Subscription-Based Publication
Your article is published in the traditional manner, available to journal subscribers online and in print and to anyone worldwide by "pay per view".
Open Access Publication
Your article will be published with immediate open access, so that it is accessible online, free of charge, to anyone who wishes to read it (it will also appear in the print journal).