Open Access – Transformative Agreement with Institutions in Germany and Switzerland

Hogrefe and the Göttingen State and University Library, which led negotiations on behalf of the libraries, have concluded a nationwide framework agreement on open access transformation (Read-and-Publish).

More than 100 German institutions participate in this model.  In Switzerland, such a Read-and-Publish agreement has been signed with the PH consortium ("IG Hochschulbibliotheken PH"), which currently includes eight universities of teacher education.

Both agreements enable authors from participating institutions to publish open access free of charge in Hogrefe's journals in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry (PsyJOURNALS).

Benefits for you as the author

For you as an author, this means that you do not have to pay an APC (article publication charge) yourself, if you are publishing at one of the participating institutions. On this page we have summarized the most important points for you.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

German information for the transformative agreement with institutions in Germany can be found here.

German information for the transformative agreement with institutions in Switzerland can be found here.

  • Titles of the agreement
  • Participating institutions
  • As an author, when am I eligible?
  • Articles covered by the agreement
  • Tagging of the articles
  • Plan S compliant
  • Creative Commons licenses
  • Option to opt-out
  • Further benefits
  • Information on the processing of personal data

Which titles are covered by the agreement?

You can publish in any of the transformative journals in the PsyJOURNALS portfolio. For more information on the titles, the submission process, and author guidelines, please visit the respective journal pages.

Which institutions are participating?

Here you can download the list of participating institutions for 2024. Please note that these lists are subject to change/update.

When am I as the author eligible to have an article published open access under this agreement?

If you are a "Corresponding Author" from a participating institution, submit the article to one of our journals, and the manuscript is accepted for publication, you can publish the article Open Access under the agreement.

"Corresponding author" means the person who submits the manuscript to the journal, is responsible for correspondence regarding the article, and is listed as such within the article. This has no influence on the naming of all contributing authors and the indication of the corresponding institutions.

You will be made aware of this agreement during the publication process. The agreement came into force on January 1, 2021. Original articles received by the publisher as an accepted manuscript after that date  will be checked by your contact person at the publisher. You will be sent a release form tailored to the agreement and can inform us under which license you would like to publish the article.

In the form, you will be asked to indicate your institutional affiliation. This institution must subsequently confirm your affiliation and will be named in the article as the funding institution. When indicating your institutional affiliation, please make sure that you name the institution at which you are working at the time of publication of the article (even if you have moved). If you are researching and working at more than one institution, the first-named ("Primary Affiliation") applies.

Here you can find a template of the license release/choice of publication as a download.
Note: Please download the document in order to use the form functions.

Which articles can be published open access under this agreement?

Authorized articles are research papers – often called "original articles". The term is used here as a collective term for all those articles for which Hogrefe collects APCs, but which may also be referred to using other terms in individual journals (such as review article, multistudy report, research trend).

Other contributions such as book reviews, short news items, conference reports, are not included among the eligible article types.

How can articles published under this agreement be identified?

In the articles the there will be a funding note referring to the participating institution.

Are these publications Plan S compliant?

Yes, open access publications in transformative agreements are recognized by cOAlition S and are Plan S compliant. The agreement is listed accordingly.

What Creative Commons licenses can I choose?

You can choose from the following licenses.

Can I object to my article being published open access?

The goal of the agreement is to increase and promote open access content in our transformative journals. Therefore, all authorized articles from participating institutions can be published open access. However, you still have a right to object, i.e., you are free to opt out the open access option. This option is offered to you in the licence release form.

What are the other benefits of my institution's participation in the transformative agreement?

Reading access
Participating institutions have also aquired access to all the subscription content of all the Hogrefe PsyJOURNALS. Thus, you can search more than 40 titles, including the active titles mentioned above as well as additional archive journals. Hogrefe eContent, our journal platform, allows you to access approximately 24,000 articles that have been published to date in the PsyJOURNALS database. Detailed information on the individual titles can be found here.

Reduced APCs for papers in our open access journals
Since the following titles are already full open access journals, papers in them are not covered by the Transformative Agreement. Hogrefe grants participating institutions a 25% reduction on regular APCs (article publication charge) for these journals – a further helping hand on our journey towards open access. All that you as an author need to do is to claim your APC reduction is to apply and send us proof that you are working at one of the participating institutions.

How will my personal data be processed under the open access transformative agreement?

The careful and secure processing of personal data is an important part of the cooperation between the institutions involved, the Hogrefe Publishing Group, and you, our authors. All information about the processing of your data can be found on this page.