Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder

Definition, Evidence, Diagnosis, Treatment

by Michael Linden, Max Rotter, Kai Baumann, Barbara Lieberei

Print edition
Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PDF)
ISBN: 9781616763442
1st edition 2007, 171 pages
Print edition
Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder
ISBN: 9780889373440
1st edition 2007, 172 pages
Out of print
Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder

Posttraumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED) is a widely seen type of pathological reaction to adverse life events, and is characterized by a distinct psychological process (experiences of injustice and violation of basic beliefs) and by a highly specific psychopathological profile (embitterment and intrusions). PTED is seen in times of societal changes which force people to cope with reorganizations of their lives and prospects. The symptoms of PTED can be very severe, chronic, life-threatening (because of suicidal and/or homicidal fantasies), and hard to treat, and often result in disability in almost all areas of life. This book provides the first comprehensive description of PTED, and is of interest to researchers and clinicians working in the field of posttraumatic and adjustment disorders, as well as to forensic psychologists and psychiatrists who may have to give expert opinions in cases involving trauma.

From the reviews

"The special form of maladjustment reaction called the ‘post traumatic embitterment disorder’ (PTED) first came to light after the observation in Germany of an increase in pathological reactions to critical life events in the aftermath of German reunification. Patients with this disorder showed distinct and characteristic psychopathological features. This type of reaction is thought to be universal and frequently seen in patients who have had to cope with events of personal injustice, humiliation, frustration, and helplessness. Being the first monograph on the subject, this book was written by leading researchers who intend to give a comprehensive overview of both the conceptual background and recent developments in PTED research... This book is easy to read, clear, and well-organised with case vignettes throughout the book. The full version of the research-derived semi-standardised diagnostic interview for PTED, its self-rating scale, as well as the wisdom rating scale and the wisdom-training outline areincluded. The book effectively presents the pioneering work being done in PTED."
Mark JS Wong in the Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, Vo. 17

"I highly recommend this volume for researchers and clinicians interested in broadening their understanding of this important, but largely neglected, emotional reaction to stressful life events."
Steven Taylor in PsycCRITIQUES, 2007, Vol. 52

"This is a phenomenal exploration into a new area of psychopathology... Clinicians will find the PTED Self-Rating Scale as well as the diagnostic tools in the appendixes to be a strong feature of this book... What makes this book unique is that the authors have addressed the diagnostic void for those not meeting the criteria for PTSD yet have a significant presentation to warrant treatment... Strongly recommended!"
Nicholas Greco IV, M.S., BCETS, CATSM, CCRA in Doody's Book Reviews

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