Psychological Therapy

by Klaus Grawe

Print edition
Psychological Therapy (PDF)
ISBN: 9781616762179
2004, 655 pages
Print edition
Psychological Therapy
ISBN: 9780889372177
2004, 656 pages
Psychological Therapy

The original edition of Klaus Grawe's book exploring the basis and need for a more generally valid concept of psychotherapy fueled a lively debate among psychotherapists and psychologists in German-speaking areas. Now available in English, this book will help spread the concepts and the debate among a wider audience. The book is written in dialog form. A practicing therapist, a research psychologist, and a therapy researcher take part in three dialogs, each of which builds on the results of the previous dialog. The first dialog explores how therapeutic change takes place, while the second looks at how the mechanisms of action of psychotherapy can be understood in terms of basic psychological concepts. Finally, in the third dialog, a psychological theory of psychotherapy is developed. The practical implications of this are clearly shown in the form of case examples, as well as guidance on indications and treatment planning. The dialog ends with suggestions as to how therapy training and provision of psychotherapy could be improved on the basis of the model of psychotherapy that has been developed. "Grawe attempts to bridge the gap between psychology and psychotherapy using the voices of his characters... [in] a detailed hypothetical discussion between a practicing therapist, a research psychologist and a therapy researcher. The first [section] is focused on how psychotherapy achieves its effects, the second with the foundations of psychological therapy, and the third, the most practical of the three, provides a model for psychological therapy... [A]nyone with an interest in using psychologically based procedures in therapy will find a wealth of information in Psychological Therapy."
Dorothy Luczak, Columbia University , in International Journal of Psychotherapy, 2014

Ref-ID:600217_M   P-ID:600217_M

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