Back in the day

Travel back to 1949 via our timeline highlighting the roots of the Hogrefe Publishing Group with founder Dr. Carl Jürgen Hogrefe, all the way through our international growth.

  • 1940 – 1970
  • 1970 – 1990
  • 1990 – 2010
  • 2010 – 2020
  • 2020 – today

1940 – 1970

First Edition of Psychologische Rundschau a product of the Verlag für Psychologie, 1949
Prof. Dr. Johannes von Allesch
Dr. Carl Jürgen and his wife Gisela Hogrefe, 1948
Office of Dr. Carl Jürgen at the psychological insitut at Georg-August Unvierstity Göttingen

Foundation of the Hogrefe Publishing Group

The first issue of the scientific journal “Psychologische Rundschau” (“Psychological Review”) laid the foundation stone for the Hogrefe Publishing Group.

It was the result of a joint venture. The publisher was Professor Dr. Johannes von Allesch, who was both an academic teacher and Jürgen Hogrefe's supervisor. As university assistant and editor, Dr. Carl Jürgen Hogrefe took care of all other details and his wife Gisela Hogrefe supported him. 


Founding of the publishing house "Verlag für Psychologie", the foundation stone of the later Hogrefe Publishing Group 

First issue of the journal Psychological Review.


First report of the conference organized by the Germany Association of Psychology.


Publication of the first book, “Konstitution und Entwicklung” by Wilfried Zeller.


Publication of the first test, “Intelligenz-Struktur-Test (IST)” by Rudolf Amthauer.


Founding of Testzentrale in Stuttgart (Germany).


Dr. Carl Jürgen Hogrefe leaves his job at Göttingen University and dedicates his time to developing the publishing company.


The first volume of the “Handbuch der Psychologie” in 12 volumes is published.

Conference Report
First book
First Assessment
First Catalogue of new Publications by the Publisher Verlag für Psychologie

1970 – 1990


The company moves from the private home of the founder to its own dedicated premises at Rohnsweg 25, Göttingen (Germany).


Founding of C.J. Hogrefe, Inc., Toronto (Canada).


Dr. Christine Hogrefe, daughter of the publisher, designs the company signet which includes the initials of the founder and “Psi” for psychology. This is introduced with the first volume of “Enzyklopädie der Psychologie” in 1982.


The first volume of "Enzyklopädie der Psychologie” is being published. It was designed to cover all existing fields of psychology. To date 90 volumes have been published. 


Hogrefe acquires Verlag Hans Huber. The English-language publishing activities of Hogrefe and Huber are continued in a joint company, Hogrefe & Huber Publishers Inc.


Dr. G.-Jürgen Hogrefe, son of the publisher, joins the company management at Verlag Hans Huber.


Founding of Testzentrale of the Swiss Psychologists, as the leading provider of psychological tests in Switzerland.

Hans Huber Verlag in Berne
Dr. G.-Jürgen Hogrefe and Dr. Carl Jürgen Hogrefe, Frankfurt Book Fair 1982
"Enzyklopädie der Psychologie"

1990 – 2010


Together with NFER-Nelson launched the initiative for establishing the European Test Publishers Group.


Testzentrale moves from Stuttgart to Göttingen, in a new building at Robert-Bosch-Breite 25.


With the release of our test software "Hogrefe Testsystem", electronic testing is introduced.


The company in Göttingen becomes Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG and the founder passes overall responsibility to his son, Dr. G.-Jürgen Hogrefe.


Acquisition of Beltz Test GmbH.


Dr. G.-Jürgen Hogrefe is elected as member of the board of management of the International Association of Scientific Technical and Medical Publishers (STM).

European Test Publisher Group first website
European Test Publisher Group counts 32 members today
Testzentrale in Robert-Bosch-Breite 25, Göttingen

Hogrefe goes online with its first website including a webshop.


Verlag Hans Huber acquires parts of the book list of Ullstein Medical expanding its nursing list.


Publication of the anniversary volume celebrating 50 years of Hogrefe.

First Hogrefe website including shop
Hogrefe website today

Foundation of the online job market PsychJOB.


Launch of Hogrefe training. First event on BIP (Business-Focused Inventory of Personality).


Founding of the Hogrefe Testzentrum in Prague (Czech Republic).


Founding of the umbrella company Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe GmbH.


'Explorix', the first electronic procedure to be carried out online is published.


The Test Agency Ltd. becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Hogrefe Ltd., Oxford (UK).


Hogrefe acquires a stake in Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Holding A/S in Copenhagen (Denmark).


Founding of Hogrefe Austria GmbH in Vienna (Austria).


Founding of Éditions Hogrefe France in Paris (France).


January 23, 2007: Psychology publisher C.J. Hogrefe passed away. 

Image of Gisela & Dr. Carl-Jürgen Hogrefe
Gisela & Dr. Carl-Jürgen Hogrefe

Founding of Hogrefe Uitgevers BV in Amsterdam (Netherlands).


Psykologiförlaget becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Hogrefe Psykologiförlaget AB in Stockholm (Sweden).


Acquisition in Göttingen of a new main office building in the Merkelstrasse and of a new distribution and warehouse building in Herbert-Quandt-Strasse.

All destinations of the Hogrefe Publishing Group, 2024

2010 – 2020


The test division of Dansk Psykologisk Forlag becomes fully part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Hogrefe Psykologisk Forlag A/S in Copenhagen (Denmark).


Successful launch of the Hogrefe eLibrary.


Relocation of Hogrefe Publishing Germany to a new headquarters.


Founding of Hogrefe Editore in Florence (Italy).


Sale of the bookstores Huber & Lang in Bern and Zurich (Switzerland) as well as the subscription agency to Lehmanns Media.


Consulting division established.


Psykologien Kustannus Oy in Finland becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Hogrefe Psykologien Kustannus Oy in Helsinki (Finland).


Founding of the Group Executive Board, as the top executive management team of the Hogrefe Publishing Group.


CETEPP (Centro Editor de Testes e Pesquisas em Psicologia) in Brazil becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Editora Hogrefe CETEPP in São Paulo (Brazil).


A new brand identity unites all companies of the Hogrefe Publishing Group.

In 1981 Dr. Christine Hogrefe, daughter of the publisher, designs the company signet which includes the initials of the founder and “Psi” for psychology.
2005 the umbrella brand „Hogrefe” was introduced as uniform design element for all companies in the Hogrefe Publishing Group.
2015 a new brand identity is established for the entire Hogrefe Publishing Group. The publishing house Hans Huber operates under the Hogrefe umbrella brand.

TEA Ediciones in Spain becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Hogrefe Tea Ediciones. Hogrefe TEA Ediciones is the leading Spanish developer and publisher of psychological tests.


The publishing division of CEGOC in Portugal becomes part of the Hogrefe Publishing Group and continues as Editora Hogrefe, Lda. in Lisbon (Portugal).


ScienceOpen and Hogrefe Publishing Group extend their collaboration by integrating seven new featured collections in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and health care.

2020 – today


Hogrefe eContent relaunch - new and fresh look for our journal platform.


We celebrate 100 years of Dorsch and the new Dorsch online portal.

100 Jahre Dorsch

Founding of Hogrefe Innovation Lab. 


Founding of international R&D Team as independent department.


Hogrefe CETEPP takes over Pearson’s assessments in Brazil and acquires Casa do Psicologo tests.


The Hogrefe Publishing Group celebrates 75 years.

Hogrefe 75th Anniversary – Aftermovie

Founding of Hogrefe Norge AS in Oslo (Norway).


Founding of Hogrefe Digital Solutions GmbH.

The Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS)