Hogrefe Short Stories

At Hogrefe we embrace tradition and modern technology, scientific accuracy and having fun at work. And just as Hogrefe is more than a publisher, so too is a Hogrefe product not merely a product for sale. Instead, it is one element in a larger mosaic consisting of a range of publications, assessment tools, and training and consulting services, and is part of a digital network of knowledge circling around psychology and related sciences. Take a look here at some real-life stories that illustrate what makes Hogrefe more than a publisher.

#29 Digital Testing in Psychology – anytime from anywhere
#29 Digital Testing in Psychology – anytime from anywhere

Psychology is our focus – digitalization our incentive – digital testing our goal!

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#28 Making children strong and happy
#28 Making children strong and happy

With beautifully illustrated books, Hogrefe supports children and young people as well as their guardians.

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#27 More than a Party
#27 More than a Party

Hogrefe celebrated its 75th anniversary beginning of October. 300 Hogrefe employees coming together from all Hogrefe Publishing Houses world wide.

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#26 Books and Bicycles
#26 Books and Bicycles

Carsten Königsberg’s 30-Year Anniversary at the Frankfurt Book Fair with Hogrefe

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#25 Connecting Cultures: Hogrefe’s Commitment to Local Insights
#25 Connecting Cultures: Hogrefe’s Commitment to Local Insights

Hogrefe is actively embracing the rich cultural diversity of Europe, leveraging each business opportunity to deepen its understanding of local cultures and foster strong connections with local teams.

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#24 Training by experts for experts
#24 Training by experts for experts

Being more than a publisher we also offer training courses for psychologists, therapists and other health care professionals. Meet two of our experts.

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#23 Helping elderly people with autism
#23 Helping elderly people with autism

Enhancing the social perspective of the elderly

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#22 Hogrefe Innovation Lab
#22 Hogrefe Innovation Lab

Transforming traditional psychology with innovative digital and AI solutions.

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#21 Theory of Mind
#21 Theory of Mind—Still Meaningful Nearly 40 Years Later

Dr. G.-Jürgen Hogrefe and Theory of Mind

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#20 HogrefeTalks
#20 HogrefeTalks

Get to know HogrefeTalks: a dedicated space for sharing valuable knowledge through engaging conversations with esteemed guests.

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#19 PsyCommunity
#19 PsyCommunity

A collaborative work environment that promotes learning by doing.

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#18 ICF Core Sets for ADHD and autism
#18 ICF Core Sets for ADHD and autism

An ongoing research study at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. The research delves into understanding the everyday experiences of individuals beyond their ADHD and autism diagnoses.

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#17 Hogrefe Academy: Knowledge into practice
#17 Hogrefe Academy: Knowledge into practice

Getting a head start with successful learning

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#16 Tailor-made solutions for HR processes
#16 Tailor-made solutions for HR processes

The new “Testfinder” is a great tool for pre-selecting assessments from our extensive range and is a great starting point for finding the right fit.

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#15 Sustainability – a core component of our future strategy
#15 Sustainability – a core component of our future strategy

Being aware of our responsibilities for a more sustainable world and we have aligned our corporate activities to support this goal.

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#14 From science to practice
#14 From science to practice

Ultimately, it always starts with scientific research.

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#13 Celebrating 70 years  of the Griffiths Scales
#13 Celebrating 70 years of the Griffiths Scales

Undeterred by being a woman in a traditionally male-dominated industry, Dr Ruth Griffiths was a pioneering figure in the field of child development, championing a fresh approach and advancing our understanding through research.

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#12 fit@work
#12 fit@work

A fit mind and a healthy body. Exercise and learning are an important part of Hogrefe’s daily work life.

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#11 Testing together
#11 Testing together

Explore how Hogrefe Norge’s close partnerships are shaping the future of psychometric testing in Norway.

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#10 Bringing together employees and applicants for a perfect fit
#10 Bringing together employees and applicants for a perfect fit

PsychJOB, a leading online job market in the field of psychology

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#9 At the forefront of psychological evaluation
#9 At the forefront of psychological evaluation

For years, one of our claims has been “At the forefront of psychological evaluation”. What sets us apart and makes us truly believe in our position as one of the industry leaders?

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#8 Corporate Social Responsibility
#8 Corporate Social Responsibility

To compensate for the paper Hogrefe uses for its products we joined "Trees for All" to plants trees in the Netherlands and abroad.

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#7 Celebrating the IDS-2: more than an assessment
#7 Celebrating the IDS-2: more than an assessment

Child development is universal. And there is nothing more valuable than investing in the needs of our children – giving them the chance to reach their full potential. With the IDS-2, we have the opportunity to showcase this on a massive scale.

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#6 Launching a new book program in Brazil
#6 Launching a new book program in Brazil

To enrich the Brazilian offer, we decided to bring some of Hogrefe Germany’s books to Brazil.

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#5 The ‘gift’ of science
#5 The ‘gift’ of science

It’s what’s on the inside that counts with our high-quality content – but a beautifully wrapped exterior can’t hurt either!

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#4 Behind the scenes: the making of the ‘autism care pathway’ animation
#4 Behind the scenes

The making of the ‘autism care pathway’ animation

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#3 Transforming scientific communication
#3 Transforming scientific communication

The transformation of a long-established business model in scientific communication into a more modern, forward-thinking model.

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#2 Going global with OneWeb
#2 Going global with OneWeb

OneWeb is a major Hogrefe Group project aiming to integrate all global sites onto one platform.

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#1 Playing is part of our R&D
#1 Playing is part of our R&D

Three psychologists take the IDS-2's playful tasks for verbal comprehension very seriously to prove: it can be done.

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