Hogrefe works closely with colleagues around the world in test, book, and journal publishing, having established business and personal relationships over the past five decades. We work collaboratively to provide customers with local and global perspectives that enhance the utility of our products and services.
A perennial sponsor of the annual APA convention, Hogrefe Publishing works with APA’s Office of Publications and Databases concerning distribution of our electronic journals, as well as with various Divisions, such as Division 52 to publish the journal “International Perspectives in Psychology” and Division 12 for the book series “Advances in Psychotherapy.”
The Hogrefe team is involved in issues surrounding security, international privacy, fraud, and copyright infringement through their membership and committee contributions at ATP.
A founding member of ETPG, the Hogrefe Group works with and influences fellow professionals in Europe to further the advancement of psychological assessment.
As a member and Platinum Sponsor of the ITC annual conference, colleagues from the Hogrefe Group regularly present on the advances in the field of psychometric and measurement principles.
Hogrefe companies have translated and adapted key assessments for several decades through multiple editions. By collecting data and working with key authors and universities locally, we can provide superior measurement practices that ensure the final assessments can be used with trust and confidence in our countries.