Properly designed personality assessments can help to uncover the greatest talent by facilitating selection and development processes to achieve results, accelerate growth and save time and money. Now in its third edition, Costa & McCrae’s NEO Personality Inventory, first published in 1985, is the original psychometric instrument designed to measure the Five Factor Model (FFM) - or Big Five - and to this day it remains a highly-comprehensive, valid, reliable and trusted tool.
The NEO Personality Inventory – 3, UK Edition (NEO-PI-3 UK) exists as a result of decades of research and continued development in personality neuroscience, and reflects the advances in our understanding of personality structure. It offers greater clarification of the biological bases of the inventory and provides additional evidence as a comprehensive measure for use in the workplace and beyond.
The NEO-PI-3 UK is one of the most reliable psychometric tools in the industry. It measures the ‘Big Five’ personality domains and the six most salient attributes (facets) arising from each. The FFM derives from decades of research on the structure of personality and has been consistently replicated across countries and cultures. It is still widely recognised as the predominant personality taxonomy.
The NEO-PI-3 UK is used in a wide range of business contexts, including candidate selection, leadership development, team building and coaching, but it has also proven to be effective in clinical and research settings.
Hogrefe’s online testing platform, the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS), makes delivering the NEO to individuals or groups easy, flexible and secure. In just one assessment, test users have access to a wide range of practical options and reports at their fingertips. The Primary Colours Leadership Report merges the in-depth personality profile of the NEO-PI-3 with Edgecumbe’s proven leadership model to create a clear, comprehensive narrative report on an individual’s leadership suitability. Outside of HTS, users have access to a UK Manual and Guide to Interpretation and Feedback to support delivery, as well as a Feedback Chart with approachable, client-friendly terminology for use in feedback sessions. In addition, NEO Cards can facilitate an interactive exploration of the five domains and 30 facets to uncover any potential implications of working style.
The true potential of the NEO is valued across the Hogrefe Group and it has since been translated into more than 10 languages covering all Hogrefe-published editions. Language versions include Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish.
Alongside a new (2023) International Senior Manager norm (read the white paper here), a range of norms are available to suit a variety of needs:
Looking for norms that are unique to your project or organisation? Ask us about creating bespoke NEO norm groups.
It is our mission to further enhance the utility of the NEO and to improve access to this measure. We want to hear about how you are using the NEO with clients, patients or staff members, and we welcome current NEO users to reach out to our team for an informal conversation about your experience.
Ready to qualify to use this gold standard measure? Reserve a place on our NEO-PI-3 (UK Edition) Accreditation Course or get Test User-trained with our comprehensive TUOA-TUOP course.