The course will provide attendees with the skills required to reliably administer, score and interpret the results of the Early Sociocognitive Battery (ESB).
The course is comprised of one module that provides a brief understanding of the rationale and evidence behind the ESB; its development from a research tool to a standardised and psychometrically robust clinical assessment; administration, scoring and interpretation of the tasks that make up the ESB; and implications for clinical diagnosis and intervention. Lively visual presentation of information is interspersed with short quizzes to support learning, videos of children participating in the ESB to illustrate administration and practice scoring; and a case study to demonstrate application in practice.
Participants should allow approximately 90 minutes in total to complete the training.
Beneficial for speech and language therapists, psychologists, paediatricians and other professionals concerned with communication problems in children.
It will help with understanding and diagnosis of difficulties, and support for children, families and teachers.
Find out more about the requirements here.
This new eLearning is now included with purchase of the ESB kit - please email with any questions.
Albion Place
Oxford, OX1 1QZ