Griffiths III is the latest edition of the Griffiths Scales of Child Development. Griffiths III represents an evolution in developmental assessment, based on the latest research and theory, and building on the best of the past.
Suitable for
For individuals aged birth to 6 years (72 months)
Language Versions
English, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish.
Product Description
Griffiths III is the product of a thorough re-standardisation of the Griffiths Mental Development Scales (GMDS) – described as the ‘gold standard’ in child development testing. It is a comprehensive, child-friendly developmental measure for continuous use from birth to 6 years (72 months).
The standardisation was conducted by the Association for Research in Infant and Child Development (ARICD) using a representative sample from the UK and Ireland.
What is Griffiths III?
Griffiths III provides an overall measure of a child’s development, as well as an individual profile of strengths and needs across five areas:
- Foundations of Learning – assesses critical aspects of learning during the early childhood years.
- Language and Communication – measures overall language development, including expressive language, receptive language and use of language to communicate socially with others.
- Eye and Hand Coordination – considers fine motor skills, manual dexterity and visual perception skills.
- Personal–Social–Emotional – measures constructs relating to the child’s developing sense of self and growing independence, interactions with others, plus many aspects of emotional development.
- Gross Motor – assesses postural control, balance and gross body coordination, among other abilities.
Watch the introductory video here or download the flyer here.
A modern and engaging assessment
Griffiths III took the best of the previous editions and built upon it to become a substantially new and improved kit. More than 80% of Griffiths III was redesigned to make a modern assessment in line with the latest developmental, paediatric, psychological and neurological research. Clinician feedback was also taken into account, and the administration sequence was streamlined to be practical for users.
Griffiths III Kit
All equipment can be easily cleaned, is child-friendly and has been designed to keep small children engaged and at ease.
The Griffiths III kit contains a variety of equipment that needs careful attention when being used with small children, for example, the small pegs in the cup/pegboard, the beads for threading and the pencils. The scissors are training scissors and, though blunt-tipped, need to be sharp enough to cut paper. Particular attention must, therefore, be taken when the child is using the scissors. Children must always be very carefully supervised during administration of the Griffiths III assessment.
How can I start using Griffiths III?
Visit the ARICD website for training information for both new users and those who trained in the previous editions.
Find extra resources and important information to support the use of Griffiths III here, including the 'Griffiths III - A Case Study Book For Practitioners'.
Ordering information
United Kingdom
Public sector customers are invited to order via Purchase Order. These can be sent to orders@hogrefe.co.uk. Alternatively, you can call us on 01865 797920, or order via our website. Note that customers looking to order on our website must be registered Griffiths users. Replacement kit parts are available to order - please contact orders@hogrefe.co.uk to purchase individual pieces of equipment, such as replacement Quiet Book page parts.
In the following territories, we request that you please refer any queries to our licensed distributor:
- Australia and New Zealand: Psychological Assessments Australia info@paa.com.au
- South Africa: Yvonne Smith griffithssouthafrica@gmail.com
- Israel: PsychTech Ltd custserv@psychtech.co.il
- Portugal: Hogrefe Editora, Lda. info@hogrefe.pt
- Italy: Hogrefe Editore info@hogrefe.it
- Sweden and Norway: Hogrefe Psykologiforlaget AB info@hogrefe.se / info@hogrefe.no
- USA: Western Psychological Services (WPS) consult@wpspublish.com
Qualification level required:
Level 3. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance.
The sample comprised of 426 children from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. The standardisation was completed in 2015.
Approximately 1 hour
Release Note