Advances in Psychotherapy — Evidence-Based Practice

Book series developed and edited with the support of the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12)

The Series

The series Advances in Psychotherapy ‒ Evidence-Based Practice provides practical evidence-based guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of the most common disorders seen in clinical practice − and does so in a uniquely reader-friendly manner. A new strand is dealing with methods and approaches rather than specific disorders. Each book is both a compact how-to reference for use by professional clinicians in their daily work, as well as an ideal educational resource for students and for practice-oriented continuing education.

Main features

The main emphasis is on information that therapists and practitioners can use in their daily practice.

The most important information is summarized in tables, illustrations, or displayed boxes, and marginal notes.

Each volume consists of 80-100 pages.

Expert authors
We recruit genuine authorities to write for the series; many of our authors are leaders in the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Div. 12).

Regular publication
We aim to publish 4 volumes each year.

Reasonably priced
The list price is under $30 per volume. Discounts apply for members of APA Division 12 and for readers who subscribe for a minimum of 4 volumes.

Series Editor Danny Wedding, PhD, MPH

Clinical psychologists and psychotherapists understand and appreciate the need for integrating science and practice, and these short, user friendly volumes provide the most science that can be packed into 100 pages. Reading these books will make you a better practitioner.

The editors

Danny Wedding, PhD, MPH

Danny trained as a clinical psychologist at the University of Hawaii, and then completed a postdoc at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. After retiring from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, he taught at Alliant International University, American University of Antigua, and the American University of the Caribbean. Danny is the author or editor of a dozen books, the former editor of PsycCRITIQUES, and a Past President of the Society of Clinical Psychology.

Kenneth E. Freedland, PhD

Ken Freedland is a professor of psychiatry and clinical health psychology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He is an associate editor of Psychosomatic Medicine, on the editorial board of Health Psychology, and the author or coauthor of over 120 published articles and book chapters and 110 published abstracts. His research focuses on the role and treatment of depression and related problems in heart disease. He is a member of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, a fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, and a founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.

Linda Carter Sobell, PhD

Linda Sobell is a professor in the Center for Psychological Studies, Nova Southeastern University, FL, and is internationally known for her clinical research in the addictions field. She has received several awards and published over 250 articles or book chapters and 7 books, as well as serving on several editorial boards. Dr. Sobell is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association, holds a Diplomate in Behavioral Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology, and is Past President of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy and the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12)

Jonathan S. Comer, PhD

Jonathan Comer is a professor of psychology at Florida International University, where he directs the Mental Health Interventions and Technology (MINT) Program, an interdisciplinary clinical research program devoted to expanding the quality, scope, and accessibility of mental health care. He is the Immediate Past President of the Society of Clinical Psychology, a fellow of the American Psychological Association, and Editor of the journal Behavior Therapy. Dr. Comer has published over 150 scholarly articles and chapters on innovative treatment delivery methods, pediatric anxiety disorders, traumatic stress, disruptive behavior problems, and the psychological effects of disasters and terrorism on youth. His research has been funded by the NIMH, NICHD, PCORI, and NSF, among several other agencies.

J. Kim Penberthy, PhD, ABPP

Kim Penberthy is the Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, VA. She has spent her career treating patients with depressive disorders, training other professionals regarding effective treatments, and conducting research in the effective diagnosis and treatment of depression and related disorders. Dr. Penberthy is internationally known for her research regarding effective treatment for persistent depression and related disorders using the cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP).

Save money with a Series Standing Order

Practical, evidence-based guidance on diagnosis and treatment for the most common disorders seen in clinical practice. Available individually – or save 20% with a Series Standing Order!

When you place a Series Standing Order of the Advances in Psychotherapy book series, it normally will start with the currently available latest volume in the series. After a minimum of at least 4 successive volumes you may cancel the Standing Order at any time. However, you also have the option of starting your Series Standing Order with an earlier volume in the series.

The Standing Order price is $24.80  + shipping and handling – saving 20% compared to the single-volume price of $29.80 + shipping and handling.

In addition, when you place a Series Standing Order you are also entitled to the same reduced price for any individual volume in the backlist – independent of the starting volume for your Series Standing Order.

Special prices for APA Division 12 members
APA D12 members can purchase a single volume of the Advances in Psychotherapy book series at $24.80, and only pay $19.80 per volume by Series Standing Order – saving $10 per book!

In order to obtain the membership discount you must first create an account and sign up for the discount.

All titles are also available as eBooks.

Volumes coming soon

Volumes in planning

Disorders strand

  • Adolescent Dating Violence by Franco / Rothman / Temple
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Adults, 2nd ed. by Abramowitz / Jacoby
  • Gambling Disorder, 2nd ed. by Whelan / Ginley / Pfund
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder by Brown
  • Acute Pain by Dania C. Chastain
  • Vaping and E-Cigarette Use and Misuse in Teens by Trucco / Sutherland
  • Childhood Irritability by Evans / Blossom
  • Interventions for Domestic Violence by Faust
  • Supporting Children After Mass Violence by Gurwitch / Brymer
  • Opiate Use Problems by Weiner
  • Borderline Personality Disorder by Bohus

Methods and Approaches strand

  • Palliative and End-of-Life Care by Hiroto / Egan / Ammon
  • Pediatric Psychopharmacology by Brown
  • Integrated Primary Care by Cubic / Tinajero

Content and Structure

1. Volumes on a Disorder or Group of Disorders

The contents of each volume are structured as follows:  


  • Terminology
  • Definition
  • Epidemiology
  • Course and Prognosis
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Comorbidities
  • Diagnostic Procedures and Documentation

Theories and Models of the Disorder  

Diagnosis and Treatment Indications  


  • Methods of Treatment
  • Mechanisms of Action
  • Efficacy and Prognosis
  • Variations and Combinations of Methods
  • Problems in Carrying out the Treatment
  • Multicultural Issues

Case Vignette
Further Reading
Appendix: Tools and Resources

2. Volumes on Methods and Approaches

The contents of each volume are structured as follows:


  • Terminology
  • Overview

Theories and Models

Assessment and Treatment Indications Treatment:

  • Method of Treatment
  • Efficacy and Prognosis
  • Variations of the Method and Combinations with Other Approaches
  • Problems in Carrying out the Treatments
  • Multicultural Issues

Case Vignette
Further Reading
Appendix: Tools and Resources

Earn 5 CE credits for reading volumes of the series