Earn 5 CE credits for reading volumes of the Advances in Psychotherapy book series

How does it work?

Psychologists and other healthcare providers may earn five continuing education credits for reading each volume from the Advances in Psychotherapy − Evidence-Based Practice book series and taking a multiple choice exam. This continuing education program is a partnership of Hogrefe Publishing and the National Register of Health Service Psychologists.*

These are your benefits:

  • As National Register member you can take each exam or the entire series of exams free of charge.
  • Readers who are not members of National Register can purchase each exam for $25 or access to the entire series of exams for $200.
  • National Register credentialed psychologists receive a discount on the Advances in Psychotherapy book series. Enter the discount code the National Register has provided at checkout.

*The National Register of Health Service Psychologists is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The National Register maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

APT titles available for CE exam (alphabetical order)

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