European Journal of Psychological Assessment was a (very) early adopter of open science practices. Study data for articles published 2003-2005 are available to download from this page.
Factorial Structure of the Quality of Life Questionnaire in a Spanish Sample of Visually Disabled Adults
Miguel Angel Verdugo, Gerardo Prieto, Cristina Caballo, Ana Peláez
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (21) 1, 44-55
Factor Structure and Reliability of the Anxiety Sensitivity Profile in a Turkish Sample
H. Belgin Ayvasik and Sennur Tutarel-Kislak
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 4, 358-367
Psychometric Parameters of the Spanish Version of the Kuwait University Anxiety Scale (S-KUAS)
Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek, Joaquin Tomás-Sabádo, and Juana Gómez-Benito
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 4, 349-357
Psychometric Properties of Goldberg’s 50 Personality Markers for the Big Five Model: A Study in the Spanish Language
Oscar García, Anton Aluja, and Luís F. García
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 4, 310-319
Some Psychometric Properties of the Ghent Parental Behvior Scale
Karla G. Van Leeuwen and Ad A. Vermulst
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 4, 283-298
A Validation and Psychometric Examination of the Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) in German Adolescents
Markus Roth and Philipp Yorck Herzberg
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 3, 205-214
The Traits Personality Questionnaire 5 (TPQue5): Psychometric Properties of a Shortened Version of a Big Five Measure
Ioannis Tsaousis and Ploutarxos Kerpelis
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 3, 180-204
Relationships Among Social Anxiety Measures and Their Invariance: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
José Olivares, Luis Joaquín García-López, María Dolores Hidalgo, and Vicente Caballo
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 3, 172-179
Effects of a Psychological Intervention on Factors of Emotional Development During Adolescence
Maite Garaigordobil
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 1, 66-80
A Comparison of Multi-Item Likert and Visual Analogue Scales for the Assessment of Transactionally Defined Coping Function
Darren Flynn, Paul van Schaik, and Anna van Wersch
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 1, 49-58
The Hierarchical Structures of the NEO PI-R and the 16 PF 5
Jérôme Rossier, Franz Meyer de Stadelhofen, and Samuel Berthoud
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (20) 1, 27-38
Time Integration Questionnare
Bogdan Drakulic, Lazar Tenjovic, and Dusica Lecic-Tosevski
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 2, 101-116
Multidimensional Properties of the Access to Categories of Experience Scale
Peter A. Creed and M. Anthony Machin
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 2, 85-91
Validation of the Dutch EDI-2 in One Clinical and Two Nonclinical Polulations
Tatjana van Strien and Machteld Ouwens
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 1, 66-84
Multigroup Confirmatory Component and Factor Analysis of the Italian Version of the Aggression Questionnare
Andrea Fossati, Cesare Maffei, Elena Acquarini, and Antonella Di Ceglie
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 1, 54-65
Convergence of Agents' and Targets' Reports on Intraorganizational Influence Attempts
Gerhard Blickle
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 1, 40-53
Construction and Validation of a Test for Inductive Reasoning
Els de Koning, Klaas Sijtsma, and Jo H.M. Hamers
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (19) 1, 24-39
Is Genereal Self-Efficacy a Universal Construct? Psychometric Findings from 25 Countries
Urte Scholz, Benicio Gutiérrez Dona, Shonali Sud, and Ralf Schwarzer
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 3, 242-521
Teaching and Learning Psychological Assessment: Aspects of the Client's Question
Carmen Hagemeister and Karl Westhoff
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 3, 252-258
Extension of the Three-Component Model of Commmitment to Five Foci: Development of Measures and Substantive Test
Florence Stinglhamber, Kathleen Bentein, and Christian Vandenberghe
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 2, 123-128
Factorial Structure of a French Version of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire
Kamel Gana, Bettina Martin, Marie-Dominique Canouet, Raphael Trouillet and Fiammetta Meloni (2002).
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 2, 158-164
The Psychometric Evaluation of a Multidimensional Measurement Instrument of Professional Expertise: Results from a Study in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Netherlands
Beatrice I.J.M van der Heijden and Norman D. Verhelst
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 2, 165-178
Transactional and Transformational Leadership in Nursing: Structural Validity and Substantive Relationships
Christian Vandenberghe, Sabine Strodeur and William D'hoore
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (18) 1, 16-29
Guidelines for the Assessment Process (GAP): A Proposal for Discussion
R. Fernández-Ballesteros, E.E.J. De Bruyn, A. Godoy, L.F. Hornke, J. Ter Laak, C. Vizcarro, K. Westhoff, H. Westmeyer, and J.L. Zaccagnini
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 3, 187-200
Disclosing Situational Constraints to Ecological Behavior: A Confirmatory Application of the Mixed Rasch Model
Florian G. Kaiser and Carmen Keller
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 3, 212-221
The Care Perception Questionnaire: An Instrument for the Assessment of the Perspective of Patients, Family Members, and Professionals on Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Ch. Van Audenhove, G. Van Humbeeck, N. Spruytte, G. Storms, M. De Hert, J. Heyrman, J. Peuskens, G. Pieters, and H. Vertommen
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 2, 120-129
Openness to Experience and Depression
J.M. Carrillo, N. Rojo, M.L. Sánchez-Bernardos, and M.D. Avia
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 2, 130-136.
Parents' Judgments and Students' Self-Judgments of Empathy. The Structure of Empathy and Agreement of Judgments Based on the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)
Christina Cliffordson
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 1, 36-47
Belgian Normative Data of the Temperament and Character Inventory
Michel Hansenne, Olivier Le Bon, Anne Gauthier, and Marc Ansseau
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (17) 1, 56-62
Looking for a Simple Big Five Factorial Structure in the Domain of Adjectives
Marco Perugini, Marcello Gallucci, Stefano Livi
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 2, 87-97
Mother-Daughter Attachment and Family Cohesion. Single- and Multi-Construct Latent State-Trait Models of Current and Retrospective Perceptions
Manfred Schmitt
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 2, 115-124
A Four-Dimensional Model of Organizational Commitment among Belgian Employees
Nathalie Delobbe and Christian Vandenberghe
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 2, 125-138
Detecting Measurement Invariance in Organizational Surveys
Michael Eid and Michael Rauber
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 1, 20-30
Measuring the Big Five in Self-Report and Other Ratings: A Multitrait-Multimethod Study
Claudio Barbaranelli and Gian Vittorio Caprara
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 1, 31-43
Assessing General Ecological Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Switzerland and Sweden
Florian G. Kaiser and Anders Biel
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, (16) 1, 44-52