Aims and Scope
Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD) is the official open access journal of the European Association of Psychological Assessment. PTAD is the first open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers which present the adaptation of tests to specific (e.g., cultural) needs, test translations, or the development of existing measures. Moreover, the focus will be on the empirical testing of the psychometric quality of these measures. The journal provides a paper template, and registered reports are strongly encouraged. Manuscripts that go into the review process will be subject to double-blind peer review and a plagiarism check via Crossref Similarity Check.
Psychological Test Adaptation and Development is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. All content is freely available online upon publication on Hogrefe eContent, without any charges for individual or institutional users. All articles are published with a Creative Commons license (CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND, or CC BY-NC-ND).
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Why you should publish in PTAD!
- A unique outlet for research papers portraying adaptations (e.g., translations) and developments (e.g., state to trait) of individual tests – the backbone of assessment
- Official open-access journal of the European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA)
- With an expert editor in chief, supported by an stellar cast of internationally renowned associate editors
- Fully embraces open science – including registered reports
Benefits for authors:
- Clear guidance on the structure of papers helps you write good papers
- Fast, double-blind peer-review, aided by the clear structure of your paper
- With the optional registered report format you can get expert advice from seasoned reviewers to help improve your research
- Open access publication, with a choice of Creative Commons licenses
- Widest possible dissemination of your paper – and thus of qualified information about your test and your research
- Generous APC waiver program and discounts for members of selected associations
Benefits for readers:
- Fast publication of the latest research on test adaptations and developments
- All papers fully peer-reviewed by leading experts
- Uniform structure across papers– all you need to know about the psychometrics, validity, etc., in a standardized form
- Open access – no fees to read or share published papers
- Open science – study data frequently in an open repository
Psychological Test Adaptation and Development is archived with Portico.
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Open Access for UK authors publishing in APA PsycArticles
Hogrefe is participating in the open access publishing pilot for the APA PsycArticles database in 2023-2026 – this includes eligible articles accepted in Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.
Learn more
In light of various inquiries we’ve received from authors, we’d like to clarify our open data policy. The full policy reads as follows:
PTAD encourages authors to make the raw data and the code (e.g., R, Stata, or SPSS code with detailed explanations allowing it to be reviewed) or the converted score data underlying the main findings reported in the article available to the public (open data). Exceptions may be made (e.g., for reasons of data security or confidentiality) provided the reasons are set out during submission of the manuscript. It is recommended that authors place any open data and code in a repository and provide the URL(s) during manuscript submission in Editorial Manager. With the acceptance of a manuscript a permanent URL or DOI pointing to a file(s) located in a public repository should be provided. Preferred repositories for PTAD are PsychArchives (run by a public openscience institute for psychology; see the detailed instructions) and OSF. Other repositories may also be suitable as long as DOIs or accession numbers are provided and the data are at least as open as CC/BY. The Registry of Research Date Repositories provides a list of repositories.