When am I as the author eligible to have an article published open access under this agreement?
If you are a "Corresponding Author" from a participating institution, submit the article to one of our journals, and the manuscript is accepted for publication, you can publish the article Open Access under the agreement.
"Corresponding author" means the person who submits the manuscript to the journal, is responsible for correspondence regarding the article, and is listed as such within the article. This has no influence on the naming of all contributing authors and the indication of the corresponding institutions.
You will be made aware of this agreement during the publication process. The agreement came into force on January 1, 2021. Original articles received by the publisher as an accepted manuscript after that date will be checked by your contact person at the publisher. You will be sent a release form tailored to the agreement and can inform us under which license you would like to publish the article.
In the form, you will be asked to indicate your institutional affiliation. This institution must subsequently confirm your affiliation and will be named in the article as the funding institution. When indicating your institutional affiliation, please make sure that you name the institution at which you are working at the time of publication of the article (even if you have moved). If you are researching and working at more than one institution, the first-named ("Primary Affiliation") applies.