If for any reason you are not able to use our original test materials, we will be happy to consider granting you permission to reprint or reproduce the material. Such permission would, for instance, authorize you to use the instructions and test items in your own questionnaires.
Please note that you will be required to send us your questionnaire for approval before you start your study. Please also note that if you wish to make any changes with regard to the content of the material that you reproduce, special permission will also be required.
Your version of the questionnaire will need to include our copyright line. We will gladly be of assistance with regard to the proper wording.
We can only grant permission to reprint test materials if you already have access to the original published test from which you wish to reproduce material.
The fee for reprinting test materials is calculated on the basis of 80% of the price of the original printed material. If you wish to use only individual scales or items from a test, the fee will be scaled accordingly. A minimum fee may be charged.
We ask for your understanding that we cannot provide electronic files of any of our test material.