Hogrefe Publishing’s psychometric tests and assessment tools may only be supplied to practitioners who have the appropriate qualifications for their use. All tests are assigned a qualification level of either A, B, C, or H (with H being the highest qualification level).
When you order test materials for the first time via our web shop you need to provide documentation by completing this form indicating that you are qualified and/or certified to purchase and use the test. You must hold a degree or certification in a field relevant to the test. The table below describes the qualifications necessary for each level.
Minimum Degree(s) Required
No Degree Required
Additional Required Training
Minimum Degree(s) Required
Bachelor’s degree (e.g., BA, BS) in psychology or education or related field (e.g., occupational therapy, speech-language, special education)
Additional Required Training
A license or certification from an agency/organization that requires training and/or experience in assessment.
Minimum Degree(s) Required
Master’s degree in psychology or related field (e.g., speech language, occupational therapy, special education)
Additional Required Training
Training/Coursework in test administration and interpretation.
Minimum Degree(s) Required
Master’s degree in psychology or related field (e.g., speech language, occupational therapy, special education) or a Doctoral Degree (PsyD, PhD, MD, etc.)
Additional Required Training
Extensive training/coursework in test administration and interpretation and/or certificate/training for specific clinical assessments.
Hogrefe Publishing supplies its products on the basis that all test users are appropriately qualified and will not be held responsible for the consequences of incorrect or inappropriate use of any product by unqualified users. Purchasers agree to guard against improper use of tests and to protect their value all printed tests and scoring keys must be kept in locked files or storage cabinets only accessible by authorized personnel.
This qualification requirement is consistent with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing from 2014, a product of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Council on Measurement in Education NCME). Published collaboratively by the three organizations since 1966, it represents the gold standard in guidance on testing in the United States and in many other countries. Therefore, Hogrefe Publishing reserves the right to require additional evidence of a purchaser’s qualifications and has the sole right to determine whether a purchaser is qualified. In addition, Hogrefe Publishing retains the right to withhold or withdraw approval for test purchase where there is evidence of violation of commonly accepted testing practices or conditions of sale. No tests are sold for self-guidance, nor to any individual or organization engaged in testing and counseling by mail.
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Newburyport, MA 01950