Ryan M. Niemiec, PsyD

Ryan M. Niemiec, PsyD

Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character, a nonprofit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that is viewed as the global leader in advancing the science and practice of character strengths. Ryan is author of several books, including Mindfulness and Character Strengths: A Practical Guide to Flourishing, and coauthor of Positive Psychology at the Movies; and Movies and Mental Illness. Ryan is an award-winning psychologist, certified coach, international workshop leader, IPPA Fellow 2017, and is adjunct professor at Xavier University, University of Pennsylvania, and a visiting lecturer at several other institutions.

Ryan is author of the following books

Martin E.P. Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, writing about Character Strengths Interventions

The GO-TO book for building character!

Check out Ryan’s activities


Interview With Ryan Niemiec: Ryan Niemiec chats with his editor at the European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) 2018 in Budapest, Hungary
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Podcast interview with Meg Rentschler, STaR Coach Show, January 2018
To the interview

Podcast interview with Tom Heffner, Next Year Now, October 2017
To the interview

Podcast interview with Michelle McQuaid, Lead Consultant for the VIA Institute, August 2017
To the interview

How VIA Signature Strengths Can Enhance Your Life Ryan’s short and sharp (2:20 min) summary of the character strengths approach and how it can improve your life

How VIA Signature Strengths Can Enhance Your Life

Ryan's TED talk about what’s best in us at youtube, June 2017

Conferences, meetings

Ryan awarded IPPA 2017 Fellow
More about IPPA 2017

Ryan was a keynote speaker at the 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology 2018, June 27-30, in Budapest, Hungary
More about ECPP 2018


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Ways to Introduce Character Strengths to a Group