COVID-19 and Coping With Future Crises

Perspectives of Educational and Developmental Psychology

herausgegeben von Marko Lüftenegger, Martin Daumiller, Ingrid Schoon

Reihe: Zeitschrift für Psychologie - Band 57

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COVID-19 and Coping With Future Crises
ISBN: 9780889376403
2023, iv/76 Seiten
€ 32,73
Artikelnummer: BV-ZP
Perspectives of Educational and Developmental Psychology
Abrechnung je Ausgabe
Band 55
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Band 54
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Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for educational practice and policy in different contexts

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged educational systems with dramatic changes to established practices. This is now a good time to focus on what we can learn from this global pandemic and ensuing economic crisis and how to support educational policies in steering and mitigating such crises in the future. Accordingly, the contributors explore a range of perspectives and different phases of the educational career and discuss the consequences for individuals, educational systems, and educational policy.

This volume brings together current research on the effects of the pandemic and possible coping mechanisms from both developmental and educational psychology perspectives. Following a systematic meta-review on the existing state of research and research deficits, four empirical contributions with longitudinal designs investigate the experiences of parents, teachers, adolescents, and university students from Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Ref-ID:600640_M   P-ID:600640_M

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