Ethics for European Psychologists

by Geoff Lindsay, Haldor Øvreeide, Casper Koene

Print edition
Ethics for European Psychologists (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616766375
2nd ed. 2024, x/254 pages
Print edition
Ethics for European Psychologists
ISBN: 9780889376373
2nd ed. 2024, x/254 pages

Guidance for psychologists on ethical dilemmas that matter today

  • New updated edition
  • Based on the Meta-code of Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA)
  • Full of practical examples

The understanding of and adherence to professional ethics is fundamental in navigating the moral encounters and dilemmas that all psychologists face in their daily work, whether in research or professional practice. Core values and principles remain stable. However, as more complex and conflicting societal contexts come into play, the individual psychologist and the professional community need support in upholding a solid moral integrity. The volume is a welcome resource for any psychologist or student wanting to foresee, prevent, and professionally manage, in an ethically responsible way, the moral challenges that arise. The framework for this timely, second edition remains the Meta-code of Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA), which is an important asset in addressing the challenges faced by the profession now and in the coming years. The discussions of the principles on the meta-code are further developed and the authors have extended the number and types of practical examples to vividly illustrate ethical challenges and dilemmas faced. Read, discuss, and evaluate your practice.

Praise for the book

“In this inspiring and authoritative book, the authors illustrate how cultivating ethical thinking can foster an integrated ethical mindset in professional psychologists. Readers are presented with a broad spectrum of ethical reflections on highly relevant themes within the profession and ethical practice. This volume is a ‘must-have’ for students and psychologists at all stages of their training and careers.”
Anne-Kari Torgalsbøen, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway

“The authors, with their extensive experience and contributions to the field, provide a comprehensive guide that is both informative and essential for maintaining high ethical standards in psychological practice. The book underscores the concept that ethics is fundamentally a decision-making process using core principles, rather than merely a form of regulation through ethical codes.”
Miguel, Ricou, Department of Community Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal, and Co-Convenor of EFPA Board of Ethics

“This book is based on the invaluable experience of its authors in the field of ethics, especially as they were all founding members of the (now called) EFPA Board of Ethics. With a rich history of collaboration and co-operation in shaping European psychology, the authors provide an invaluable resource for psychologists, bridging the gap between theoretical principles and practical applications.”
Vita Poštuvan, PhD, Deputy Head, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research, Andrej Marusic Institute, University of Primorska, Slovenia, and Co-Convenor of EFPA Board of Ethics

“This book has international relevance, as it is useful for all psychologists and those in training and not just those within the European context. It is easily readable, contains discussion of numerous applied and contemporary examples, and provides both insights into and integration of complex ethical concepts. I will happily use this resource as I did with the first edition.”
Mark Leach, PhD, Department of Counseling and Human Development, University of Louisville, USA, and Vice-Chair of the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code Task Force

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