Dark Personality in the Workplace

Edited by: Birgit Schyns, Susanne Braun, Pedro Neves

Series: Zeitschrift für Psychologie - Volume 54

Print edition
Book series
Print edition
Dark Personality in the Workplace
ISBN: 9780889376267
2022, iv/64 pages
Excluding VAT
Book series
product number: BV-ZP
Invoiced upon release
Volume 55
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Product Description

An up-to-date exploration of the role of dark personality traits in the workplace

  • Explores innovative methodology, dark leadership, and more
  • Contributions are written by international experts
  • All contributions are peer-reviewed

This collection of contributions by international experts in the field provides an update on dark personality in the workplace, covering several different aspects including narcissism, power motives, and leadership outcomes of dark personality. Data has been collected in different countries, using different methodological approaches, and all contributions underwent peer review.

The volume comprises current reviews of dark personality and narcissism in the workplace, explores innovative methodological approaches to measuring dark personality, looks at how to deal with dark leadership as well as presents several empirical contributions on the relationships between dark triad personality traits and states, power motives, motivation to lead, and abusive supervision. This is essential reading for personality researchers, occupational psychologist, and anyone interested in the Dark Triad and other dark personality traits.

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