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Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) Comprehensive Form

Melissa A. Messer, MHS

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Comprehensive Form Print Kit (AAB Comprehensive Form, Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Comprehensive Form Item Booklets, 25 Comprehensive Form Response Booklets, Stimulus Book 1, Stimulus Book 2, a Stimulus Card, 5 free Screening Form Item Booklets, 5 free Screening Form Response Booklets)
Comprehensive Form Print Kit (AAB Comprehensive Form, Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Comprehensive Form Item Booklets, 25 Comprehensive Form Response Booklets, Stimulus Book 1, Stimulus Book 2, a Stimulus Card, 5 free Screening Form Item Booklets, 5 free Screening Form Response Booklets)
product number: 5516720
Excluding VAT
Comprehensive Form Response Booklets (25)
product number: 5516722
Excluding VAT
AAB Comprehensive Form Manual with Fast Guide
product number: 5516724
Excluding VAT
AAB Comprehensive Form Item Booklets (Pack of 25)
product number: 5516725
Excluding VAT


The AAB is a complete achievement assessment, offering both a comprehensive battery as well as a screening version for use with individuals throughout the lifespan.

Note -- AAB has recently been approved by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) for inclusion on their list of suitable tests for the assessment of specific learning difficulties in higher education in the UK. They also include guidance on using this assessment in the UK. You can visit their website and see the full list of SASC-approved assessments' here.

Suitable for

Suitable for ages 4 to 85 years.

Language Versions


Product Description

Features and benefits

  • Administration and scoring are straightforward and easymdash;and both comprehensive and screening versions have a Fast Guide to help you get started.
  • Provides age- and grade-based (autumn and spring) norms.

Comprehensive Form

  • Can be administered in about 90 minutes and scored in 15 minutes.
  • The Academic Achievement Battery Composite, a total score, provides an overview of the individual's overall performance on the various aspects of achievement measured by the AAB.
  • A skills analysis enables you to investigate the individual's strengths and weaknesses and offers a wealth of data with which to make interpretations and recommendations.
  • Provides composite-to-composite and subtest-to-subtest discrepancy scores and reliable change scores.

Technical information

  • Reliability coefficients for the subtests range from .77 to .97 and from .88 to .98 for the composite scores across the age- and grade-based normative samples.
  • AAB subtest and composite scores were found to be highly correlated with similar constructs on the WJ® III, KTEA-II, WRAT4, and WIAT® -III.
  • The manual includes evidence supporting the ability of the AAB to differentiate performance in individuals with various learning disabilities, intellectual disorder, ADHD, and speech/language impairment.
  • Includes reliable change scores and ability-achievement discrepencies with the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS-2).

Qualification level required:
Level 2. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance


Reliability coefficients for the subtests range from .77 to .97 and from .88 to .98 for the composite scores across the age- and grade-based normative samples.


Age-based sample formed on a US population of 1,274 individuals ages 4-83. Grade-based sample formed on a US population of 1,447 individuales ages 4-19 years.


Comprehensive Form: 90 minutes to administer; 15 minutes to score.

Release Note



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