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Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3)

Patti L. Harrison, PhD & Thomas Oakland, PhD

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Infant and Preschool Kit (0 to 5 years) - Includes 25 Print Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms; 25 Print Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms; Print Manual; Print Intervention Planner
Infant and Preschool Kit (0 to 5 years) - Includes 25 Print Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms; 25 Print Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms; Print Manual; Print Intervention Planner
product number: 5561731
Excluding VAT
School Kit (5 to 21 years) - Includes 25 Print Parent Forms; 25 Print Teacher Forms; Print Manual; Print Intervention Planner
School Kit (5 to 21 years) - Includes 25 Print Parent Forms; 25 Print Teacher Forms; Print Manual; Print Intervention Planner
product number: 5561721
Excluding VAT
Adult Kit (16 to 89 years) - Includes 25 Print Adult Forms; Print Manual; Print Intervention Planner
product number: 5561711
Excluding VAT
product number: 5561712
Excluding VAT
Intervention Planner (Book)
product number: 5561715
Excluding VAT
Infant and Preschool (0-5 years): Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms (25)
product number: 5561719
Excluding VAT
Infant and Preschool (0-5 years): Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms (25)
product number: 5561720
Excluding VAT
School (5-21 years): Parent Forms (25)
product number: 5561717
Excluding VAT
School (5-21 years): Teacher Forms (25)
product number: 5561718
Excluding VAT
Adult Forms (25)
product number: 5561716
Excluding VAT
Online Manual
product number: 5561722
Excluding VAT
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Online Kit (Ages 0-5 years) includes 25 Parent / Primary Caregiver online forms, 25 Teacher / Daycare Provider online forms, online manual and online intervention planner.
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Online Kit (Ages 0-5 years) includes 25 Parent / Primary Caregiver online forms, 25 Teacher / Daycare Provider online forms, online manual and online intervention planner.
product number: 5561732
Excluding VAT
Adult Kit (16 to 89 years) with Unlimited-Use Scoring Assistant and Intervention Planner CD-ROM
product number: 5561741
Excluding VAT
Adult Online Kit (Ages 16-89 years) Includes 15 Online Form Uses for Adult (Rated by Others), 10 Online Form Uses for Adult (Self-Report), Online Manual and Online Intervention Planner.
Adult Online Kit (Ages 16-89 years) Includes 15 Online Form Uses for Adult (Rated by Others), 10 Online Form Uses for Adult (Self-Report), Online Manual and Online Intervention Planner.
product number: 5561742
Excluding VAT
ABAS-3 School Online Kit (Ages 5-21 years) Includes 25 Parent online forms, 25 Teacher online forms, online manual and online intervention planner.
ABAS-3 School Online Kit (Ages 5-21 years) Includes 25 Parent online forms, 25 Teacher online forms, online manual and online intervention planner.
product number: 5561752
Excluding VAT
Parent/Primary Caregiver (0-5 years) Online Form (25 Uses)
product number: 5561762
Excluding VAT
Teacher/Daycare Provider (0-5 years) Online Form (25 Uses)
product number: 5561763
Excluding VAT
Parent Online Form - 5-21 years (25 Uses)
product number: 5561764
Excluding VAT
Teacher Online Form - 5-21 years (25 Uses)
product number: 5561765
Excluding VAT
Adult (Rated by Others) Online Form (25 Uses)
product number: 5561766
Excluding VAT
Adult (Self-Report) Online Form (25 Uses)
product number: 5561767
Excluding VAT


The ABAS-3 provides a comprehensive norm-referenced assessment of adaptive skills in individuals ages birth-89 years, and is especially useful for diagnosing and classifying various developmental, learning, and behavioural disabilities and disorders; identifying strengths and weaknesses; and documenting and monitoring progress over time.

Online forms are also now available, please note we have to order these from the publisher so are not available instantly.

Suitable for

Suitable for ages 0-89 years.

Language Versions


Product Description

Features and benefits

  • Retains all the essential features that made the second edition the preferred instrument but is even easier to administer and score.
  • Particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments.
  • Integrates assessment, intervention planning, and progress monitoring.
  • Developed with American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), DSM-5, and IDEA standards in mind.

Test structure

  • Within three major adaptive domains (Conceptual, Social, and Practical), the ABAS-3 assesses 11 skill areas: communication, community use, functional academics, health and safety, home or school living, leisure, motor, self-care, self-direction, social, and work.
  • Items focus on practical, everyday activities required to function, meet environmental demands, care for oneself, and interact with others effectively and independently. On a 4-point response scale, raters indicate whether, and how frequently, the individual performs each activity.
  • A General Adaptive Composite (GAC) is produced.

Technical information

Norm-referenced scaled scores are provided for the 11 skill areas; for the three adaptive domains and the GAC, norm-referenced standard scores, confidence intervals for standard scores, and percentile ranks are provided. In addition, all scores can be categorised descriptively.

Qualification level required:
Level 2. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance


Norms are based on a large sample representative of the U.S. population.


15-20 minutes to administer.

Release Note



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