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Adolescent Psychopathology Scale (APS)

William M. Reynolds, PhD

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Administration and Interpretation Manual
product number: 5561203
Excluding VAT
Psychometric and Technical Manual
product number: 5561204
Excluding VAT
Test Booklets (25)
product number: 5561205
Excluding VAT


Evaluating the presence and severity of symptoms of psychological disorders and distress in adolescents.

Suitable for

12 to 19 years.

Product Description

The APS empirically assesses the severity of symptoms associated with specific DSM-IV clinical and personality disorders.

Features and benefits

  • A multidimensional self-report instrument.
  • Also assesses other psychological problems and behaviours that may interfere with an adolescent’s psychological adaptation and personal competence, including substance abuse, suicidal behavior, emotional lability, excessive anger, aggression, alienation, and introversion.
  • APS scores represent the severity of disorder-specific symptomatology evaluated across different time periods. This close match between APS item content and DSM-IV criteria enhances clinical utility and facilitates ease of interpretation.

Test structure

  • Measures three broad disorder-problem domains: Clinical Disorders (20 scales), Personality Disorders (five scales), and Psychosocial Problem Content areas (11 scales). The Response Style Indicator scales (four scales) include indexes of response consistency and infrequency, response veracity, and unusual endorsement propensities.
  • The APS is scored using the APS Scoring Program. The APS Scoring Program download calculates scores for all scales and automatically generates a Clinical Score Report. The report includes a summary of APS scale elevations, a score summary table, a profile, a critical items summary form, and an item response summary table.

*Requirements for the APS Scoring Program:

This software requires Windows® 8/10, an NTFS file system, an internet connection for software installation, and an internet connection or telephone for software activation.

Qualification level required:
Level 2. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance


APS norm samples included 2834 US school-based adolescents, 506 adolescents in clinical settings, and norms developed for the total standardisation sample of 1827 school-based adolescents were separated by gender, age group , and gender by age group.


45 to 60 minutes.

Release Note



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