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Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R)

Michael Rutter, MD, FRS, Ann Le Couteur, MBBS & Catherine Lord, PhD

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Kit (Manual, 10 Interview Booklets, 10 Comprehensive Algorithm Forms)
product number: 5580201
Excluding VAT
product number: 5580202
Excluding VAT
Interview Booklets (5)
product number: 5580203
Excluding VAT
Comprehensive Algorithm Forms (10)
product number: 5580204
Excluding VAT


The ADI-R is used to assess individuals suspected of having autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It is useful as an aid to formal diagnosis as well as treatment and educational planning. It can be used with children and adults with a developmental age above 2 years.

We also offer comprehensive training in the ADI-R - see upcoming courses here.

Suitable for

Suitable for children and adults with a mental age above 2 years.

Language Versions


Product Description

The ADI-R has proven effectiveness in differentiating autism from other developmental disorders, assessing syndrome boundaries, identifying new sub-groups and quantifying autistic symptomatology.

Composed of 93 items, the ADI-R focuses on three functional domains:

  • Language and Communication
  • Reciprocal Social Interactions
  • Restricted, Repetitive and Stereotyped Behaviours and Interests

Interview questions cover eight content areas:

  • The subject's background including family, education, previous diagnoses and medications
  • Overview of the subject's behaviour
  • Early development and development milestones
  • Language acquisition and loss of language or other skills
  • Current functioning in regard to language and communication
  • Social development and play
  • Interests and behaviours
  • Clinically relevant behaviours such as aggression, self injury and possible epileptic features.

To administer ADI-R, an experienced clinical interviewer questions a parent or caregiver who is familiar with the developmental history and current behaviour of the individual being evaluated.

Administration of the ADI-R requires use of the ADI-R Interview Protocol booklet which contains the 93 items. Following a standardised procedure, the interviewer records and codes the informant's responses in the Interview Protocol booklet.

Results are scored and interpreted using a Diagnostic Algorithm or a Current Behaviour Algorithm or both depending on the purpose of the evaluation.

The ADI-R algorithms are multi-page forms on which codings from up to 42 of the interview items are scored and systematically combined to produce the formal, interpretable results. Where the purpose of the assessment is formal diagnosis with reference to the full developmental history of the individual, one of the two age-related Diagnostic Algorithms is used. If the purpose of the assessment is for treatment planning then one of the three age-related Current Life Algorithms is used. In cases where results are to be used for both purposes then both a Diagnostic and a Current Behaviour Algorithm are completed on the basis of data from one interview.

Qualification level required:
Level 3. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance


90 to 150 minutes

Release Note



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