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Short Parallel Assessments of Neuropsychological Status - Extended (SPANS-X)

Dr Gerald H. Burgess

Downloads (PDF)

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Complete Kit - includes Manual, Stimulus Books A and B, Scoring Booklets A and B (25 of each), Recognition Memory Cards, LNC Scoring Card, Digital Materials USB, Ruler, and Backpack Kit Case
Complete Kit - includes Manual, Stimulus Books A and B, Scoring Booklets A and B (25 of each), Recognition Memory Cards, LNC Scoring Card, Digital Materials USB, Ruler, and Backpack Kit Case
product number: 5535831
Excluding VAT
product number: 5535832
Excluding VAT
Scoring Booklet Version A (pack of 25)
product number: 5535835
Excluding VAT
Scoring Booklet Version B (pack of 25)
product number: 5535836
Excluding VAT


The Short Parallel Assessments of Neuropsychological Status – Extended (SPANS-X) is a battery of neuropsychological tests for accurate cognitive measurement. This new extended version allows for reliable remote administration and features extended norms spanning 18 to 90 years, as well as individual percentiles and critical cut-off scores for each age. The 'X' in 'SPANS-X' stands for extended, extra and exceptional utility; it’s a bigger, bolder, and more precise assessment of acquired brain injury, dementia, and other neurological and neuropsychological disorders.

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Download the flyer here.

Suitable for

Ages 18 to 90 years

Product Description

Developed directly from clinical experience and an up-to-date review of the literature, the SPANS-X is a brief, yet comprehensive battery that reliably measures seven cognitive, perceptual, and language skills. Sensitive and specific, the assessment determines the presence of deficit accurately and easily, whilst the engaging materials make the test enjoyable for all, including those who may have attentional challenges.

The SPANS-X produces seven reliable index scores across 30 subtests, plus a Total Score:

  • Orientation
  • Attention/Concentration
  • Language
  • Memory/Learning
  • Visuo-Motor Performance
  • Efficiency
  • Cognitive Flexibility


  • Now with a norm for every age from 18 to 90 years, calculated using an innovative nonlinear regression process, for precise and accurate interpretation
  • Can also be reliably administered remotely via videoconference or in-person
  • Includes equivalent alternate versions for reliable retest while minimising practice effects
  • Focuses on ‘functional’ everyday skills for real-world application
  • Features simpler administration and new streamlined scoring for quick and accurate results
  • Includes expanded interpretation guidance – including specific guidance for using the measure in different situations (such as assessing mental capacity, testing those with intellectual disability or with yes/no only responding, etc.)
  • Now with new validation studies and updated reliability studies

The SPANS-X will be of benefit to clinical psychologists working in acute brain injury, older adult memory clinics, health or medical settings, forensic settings, or in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse. Now with extended norms (18 to 90 years), the measure will be particularly valuable to psychologists working with older adults, as well as counselling, forensic, and health psychologists, neuropsychologists, neurological occupational therapists and speech and language therapists working with adults of all ages.

How the SPANS-X compares to other tests of neuropsychological status:

  • Applies more recent norms, and a norm per age from 18 to 90 years
  • Includes a greater number of briefer subtests, plus more subtests per index score. This combination delivers more internally reliable index scores and higher levels of engagement
  • SPANS-X can be administered remotely via video call or face to face for greater flexibility
  • Has better alternate-version test-retest reliability across all index scores
  • SPANS-X offers two equivalent versions in one kit for more cost-effective parallel testing
  • Provides a wider variety of observations, including screening for more neurological conditions

Qualification level required:

The SPANS-X can be used by those in professions outlined above who meet our level 2 requirements. Please see our Test User Qualifications page for guidance.

We recommend all users familiarise themselves with SPANS-X, even if they have previous experience in using SPANS and we will be happy to advise current SPANS users. In addition to providing clinical case studies and the evidence base for SPANS-X, Hogrefe can help test users should they have any queries regarding the administration, scoring and interpretation of results – please contact us.


  • Internal consistency and unique variance of SPANS-X index and total scores (.72–.94).
  • Alternate version equivalency, test-retest reliability (.96) and excellent inter-rater reliability.

Test Validity

  • Convergent and divergent validity:
    • WAIS Verbal IQ (.08–.66); WAIS Performance IQ (.23–.70); WMS (.34–.71); Rey (-.37–.69); Trail Making Test (-.18 – -.90)
    • ABI and healthy groups; SPANS sensitivity to lateralised damage
  • Validation studies include: the use of SPANS-X as a screening measure for the detection of dementia in adults aged 75 and above, the use of SPANS-X with people with mild-to-moderate intellectual disability, the effects of English as a second language on SPANS-X performance.


The SPANS- X now provides unsurpassed accuracy compared to other short battery neuropsychological tests – with this latest version including the following norm enhancements:

  • Updated norm sample with a norm for every age and an extended age range now spanning 18 to 90 years (index scores)
  • New metrics used, including percentiles, confidence intervals, base rates, and critical values, plus new, easier to use norms tables
  • The Manual includes details of the norm calculation process and guidance on how to use the norms to interpret the results


30 minutes to administer

Release Note



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