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Tests of Dyslexia (TOD)
Nancy Mather, R. Steve McCallum, Sherry Mee Bell & Barbara J. Wendling
Downloads (PDF)
The Tests of Dyslexia (TOD) is a SASC-authorised comprehensive assessment of dyslexia and related skills and abilities. Linking dyslexia assessment to targeted interventions has never been more efficient and effective.
British English TOD-S Response Booklets
The TOD is now available from Hogrefe with British English TOD-Screener Print Response Booklets. These are to be used in conjunction with the British English user guide (UK recommendations PDF).
Please note this is not a British English version of the TOD, i.e. there are no new norms - the existing sample and normative data remain the same. The print kits contain modified TOD-S forms based on certain American spelling / cultural differences being changed. The user guide explains all the recommendations.
The online version of the TOD-S will continue to be available only in US English; please have a look at the user guide to fully understand the changes and implications in choosing between the online US English or paper British English versions of the test.
If you have any questions, please contact us to discuss.
Find further information, FAQs, samples and extra resources here.
For guidance on remote administration, please see this new video.
Product Description
The TOD includes three test batteries:
- the TOD-Screener, three tests that can be administered to groups of test takers or to individuals aged 5 years, 0 months – 89 years, 11 months, available in a paper or digital format.
- the TOD-Early, designed for early identification in test takers aged 5 years, 0 months – 9 years, 3 months). TOD-Early is intended for children ages 5-9 who are not yet reading connected text. This allows the assessor to gather the information they require, with testing materials at the correct skill level for the child.
- the TOD-Comprehensive, designed for test takers aged 6 years, 0 months – 89 years, 11 months).
The TOD is the only single co-normed test highlighting dyslexia components and interventions, while measuring:
- Spelling
- Reasoning
- Vocabulary
- Reading Fluency
- Phonics Knowledge
- Decoding Efficiency
- Basic Reading Skill
- Sight Word Acquisition
- Phonological Awareness
- Orthographic Processing
- Auditory Working Memory
- Rapid Automatized Naming
- Reading Comprehension Efficiency
- Visual Verbal Paired Associate Learning
The TOD includes:
- indexes designed to indicate the risk and probability of dyslexia.
- composites and tests that measure reading skills (untimed and timed), spelling, specific linguistic risk factors (phonological awareness, orthographic processing, rapid automatised naming, and working memory), and vocabulary and reasoning abilities.
- self, parent, and teacher rating scales designed to capture qualitative indicators of dyslexia, such as a family history of reading problems and early difficulties with speech and language.
- the Dyslexia Interventions and Recommendations guide to help examiners develop IEPs and targeted intervention plans to address specific skill weaknesses.
Examiners can use the TOD-E and TOD-C pdf easels (available separately) for remote administration, but paper materials, record forms, and response booklets are still required.
Benefits of the TOD:
- The first Comprehensive Dyslexia Assessment to include interventions tied to the assessment data.
- Suitable for all ages from 5 years, the TOD offers age and grade-based tests, indexes, and composite scores.
- The screener provides a Dyslexia Risk Index score in 10-15 minutes.
- This brief assessment can be given individually or in a group format by teachers or other professionals.
- Includes a detailed and evidence-based Dyslexia Interventions and Recommendations Companion Guide.
- The assessment includes Co-Normed Rating Scales.
- Allows for the identification and targeting of an individual's difficulties in acquiring literacy skills.
- Includes tests of reasoning for comparison with reading and spelling.
- Allows for universal application.
- Stand-alone tests allow for an individually tailored evaluation.
What sets the TOD apart from other reading assessments?
- The TOD covers a wide age range and includes the major components that are needed for a comprehensive dyslexia assessment. There is no need to cobble together results from different tests with different norm groups.
- The reading and linguistic abilities that are most relevant to the diagnosis of dyslexia. The TOD includes measures of word recognition (untimed and timed), phonics knowledge, reading fluency, and comprehension efficiency (the ability to comprehend text under time pressure). The TOD also includes linguistic risk factors (e.g., phonological awareness, rapid automatised naming) that can help you determine the factors that are affecting reading development.
- Measures of vocabulary and reasoning to help you determine if the reading problem is specific and/or unexpected in relation to abilities that do not require reading.
- Rating scales to help standardise the process of collecting information from parents, teachers, or individuals being assessed.
- A guide to interventions to help you develop an instructional plan.
What is included in each of the TOD kits?
The TOD-S paper and pencil kit includes a copy of the TOD manual, response booklets, scoring sheets, and unlimited online scoring, and enables the administrator to screen groups or individuals from age 5 and above in-person.
The TOD-S can also be administered remotely, using online forms. For the online-only version of the TOD-S, please see under the ‘Electronic’ tab.
The TOD-S is included in the TOD-E, the TOD-C and the Combination kit.
The TOD-E kit includes the TOD-S as well as the TOD manual, stimulus materials, response booklets and scoring sheets for pre-school and younger children, online rater forms, and unlimited access to the online scoring – everything needed to assess dyslexia in younger children 5 years – 9 years 3 months face to face.
The TOD-C kit includes the TOD-S as well as the TOD manual, stimulus materials, response booklets and scoring sheets for both school children and adults, online rater forms and unlimited access to the online scoring. This kit includes everything needed to assess those from age 6 years old and above face to face.
This Combination kit includes all 3 paper and pencil kits: the TOD-S, the TOD-E and the TOD-C. This kit does not include the TOD-S Online, only the paper and pencil version of the TOD-S kit.
I want to administer the test online – what do I need to purchase?
The TOD-S is available as an online kit for remote administration. Click on the ‘Electronic’ tab and select item 5506500 to add the TOD-S Online Kit to your cart. The TOD-S paper and pencil kit is not required.
To administer the TOD-E or the TOD-C online, it is necessary to purchase the relevant kit plus the digital easels, which are under the Electronic tab. Test Administrators can use these digital easels for remote administration, but paper materials, record forms, and response booklets are still required. The test is then scored via the WPS Evaluation System platform.
See WPS’ remote administration video here for more information on how this works.
Please note that access to TOD online materials is not immediate and will take up to 2 working days.
Who can use the TOD?
- The components of the TOD can be used by a variety of clinicians and educators. For example, a classroom teacher may administer the TOD-Screener and complete the Teacher Rating Scale.
- Reading specialists, specialist teaching assessors, psychologists, and speech and language therapists are best suited to administer the TOD-Early or the TOD-Comprehensive due to their advanced coursework and experience with standardised tests.
- Interpreting test results requires a higher level of skill. For that reason, while a broader range of individuals can administer the test, interpreting results requires a knowledge of dyslexia and formal training in test administration, scoring, and interpretation.
Examiners should use only those tests for which they have the appropriate training and expertise. See Hogrefe's guidelines here.
Register now for the new accompanying TOD video training programme. The course is online for self-study at your convenience and includes videos and associated digital support materials on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn). Duration of the videos is approx. 130 minutes.
Through the training programme you'll observe test administration as portions of the TOD-Screener, TOD-Early, and TOD-Comprehensive are given to four students of varying ages. Assessment author Dr Nancy Mather will guide you through all four case examples, providing relevant clinical and educational background information, illustrating how to analyse scores, and explaining the interpretive report. The course features embedded reflection questions to highlight key ideas.
You can either purchase the training via our webshop (product code 5506104 on this page) or you can register here.
2,518 individuals aged 5 to 89 in standardization and validation studies. Standardization sample closely matches US Census data for gender, race/ethnicity, parents’ educational level, and geographic area.
Release Note
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