Assessment of Eating Behavior

herausgegeben von Adrian Meule

Reihe: Psychological Assessment – Science and Practice - Band 6

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Assessment of Eating Behavior
ISBN: 9780889376168
2023, viii/300 Seiten
64,95 €
inkl. USt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um eine Einzellizenz für eine Person handelt.

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Assessment of Eating Behavior (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616766160
2023, viii/300 Seiten
57,99 €
inkl. USt.
Abrechnung je Ausgabe
Band 2
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A comprehensive guide to the tools available for assessing diverse eating behaviors

  • Written by internationally renowned authors
  • Looks at diverse assessment methods
  • Presents the relevant psychometric properties
  • Looks at disordered as well as general eating behavior
  • Explores newer topics, e.g., neophobia, intuitive eating, grazing, disgust sensitivity

Eating behavior encompasses a broad range of aspects: from under- to overeating and from normal to pathological eating. The expert contributors to this volume provide a comprehensive overview of assessment methods for eating behavior research and clinical practice, which include both self-report questionnaires and structured interviews as well as assessment of food intake in the laboratory, ecological momentary assessment, cognitive-behavioral tasks, and psychophysiological measures. They explore the assessment of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and others. They also address topics that may be associated with disordered eating and obesity but are also relevant in persons without these conditions, such as restrained eating and dieting, emotional eating, food craving and food “addiction,” orthorexia nervosa, intuitive and mindful eating, and grazing. Further topics that are strongly connected to eating behavior such as body image, physical activity, body composition and expenditure, food neophobia and disgust sensitivity, and weight-related stigmatization are also examined. This book is essential reading for researchers working in clinical and health psychology, consumer psychology, psychiatry, and nutrition science as well as practitioners, including psychotherapists, physicians, nutrition counsellors, who assess eating behavior and related aspects in their daily work.

Praise for the book

"As the prevalence of unhealthy eating behaviors and their consequences continue to grow, the arrival of this book could not be more timely. Its 20 chapters provide coverage of eating behavior domains, adjacent domains, and assessment methods. Each is co-authored by a world-renowned expert. Further, it covers not only various eating behavior patterns but also the domains that influence eating behavior and that eating behavior in turn influences."
Michael R. Lowe, Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

"For students, researchers, and clinicians aiming to understand eating behaviors in their broadest sense this book provides a comprehensive resource. Internationally recognized experts cover a wide array of instruments to explore varied aspects of eating behavior from addiction to weight-related stigma, and from self-reported aspects of eating traits to more objective, laboratory-based measures of the drivers of food intake. This book is a one-stop shop and those interested in advancing knowledge of eating behavior need look no further."
Marion M. Hetherington, Professor Emerita, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK

"Eating is hot. Eating is cool. Many people are conscious of it, some are obsessively concerned, others struggle with their weight and are disgusted by their bodies. When are these behaviors, cognitions, and emotions healthy and when do they become unhealthy? Adrian Meule edited this excellent book describing various types of eating behaviors and eating disorders, and how they can be assessed and measured. The book is an indispensable contribution to our knowledge about healthy and unhealthy eating behaviors."
Anita Jansen, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Ref-ID:600616_M   P-ID:600616_M

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