Body Dysmorphic Disorder

von Sony Khemlani-Patel, Fugen Neziroglu

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 44

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder
ISBN: 9780889375000
2022, viii/106 Seiten
€ 23,36

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616765002
2022, viii/106 Seiten
€ 19,99
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Learn how to assess and treat body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

  • Presents the best treatment practices
  • Instructions for novel and advanced treatment strategies
  • Tips for improving client engagement
  • Illustrated with case studies
  • Printable tools for clinical use

More about the book

This volume provides a user-friendly, evidence-based guide to the diagnosis, phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). New and seasoned clinicians can learn about the foundations of CBT for BDD as well as the rationale and instructions for modifying the approach to meet the differences in symptoms found in this client group. The book explores techniques for treatment engagement, including adjusting therapeutic style, appropriate utilization of behavioral and cognitive therapy, family involvement, and motivational interviewing techniques. Other issues associated with BDD are also highlighted: poor insight, comorbidity, concerning rates of suicidality, and ambivalence regarding treatment.

The authors outline step-by-step instructions for numerous novel and advanced treatment strategies, including perceptual re-training, attentional training, acceptance and commitment approaches, and ways to manage ongoing desire for cosmetic surgery. Detailed case examples are presented with corresponding treatment guidelines to highlight the variety in clinical presentation and corresponding treatment approaches. Printable tools in the appendices can be used in daily practice.

Watch a video interview with the authors

Praise for the book

“Clear, comprehensive, reliable, and practical help on treating body dysmorphic disorder from an authoritative source.”
David Veale, Consultant Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and Professor in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies, King’s College London, UK

“A heartfelt thank-you to the authors for a thorough review of body dysmorphic disorder that is filled with diagnostic and assessment criteria, treatment recommendations, and case examples. This book is a one-stop-shop for all that you need to know about working with individuals with BDD, and is a must-have on the shelf for supervisors and professors as they offer their students and trainees the best resources available for this condition.”
Patrick B. McGrath, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer at NOCD; Fellow at ABCT; Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board Member at the International OCD Foundation

“Written for both practicing clinicians and students, this book offers the reader a thoughtful, in-depth conceptualization of this complex and often misunderstood psychiatric illness. Steeped in evidence-based theory and treatment, the authors highlight utilization of a multimodal psychotherapeutic approach with particular attention given to cognitive-behavioral therapy, widely recognized as the gold standard for body dysmorphic disorder.”
Scott Granet, LCSW, Author of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Mine and Yours: A Personal and Clinical Perspective

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