von Katie Witkiewitz, Corey R. Roos, Dana Dharmakaya Colgan, Sarah Bowen
Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 37
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2017, viii/80 Seiten
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um eine Einzellizenz für eine Person handelt.
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2017, viii/80 Seiten
Clear and compact guidance on integrating mindfulness into practice
This clear and concise book provides practical, evidence-based guidance on the use of mindfulness in treatment: its mechanism of action, the disorders for which there is empirical evidence of efficacy, mindfulness practices and techniques, and how to integrate them into clinical practice.
Leading experts describe the concepts and roots of mindfulness, and examine the science that has led to this extraordinarily rich and ancient practice becoming a foundation to many contemporary, evidenced-based approaches in psychotherapy. The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in conditions as diverse as borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, alcohol and substance use, emotional dysregulation, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, chronic stress, eating disorders, and other medical conditions including type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis is also described. The book is invaluable reading for all those curious about the current science around mindfulness and about how and when to incorporate it effectively into clinical practice.
“The book is very well structured and has helpful side notes. It is didactical, handbook-like and clearly written. Crucial aspects of mindfulness as it is understood today are emphasized. The reader is introduced to different theories and models of mindfulness as a psychotherapeutic approach to various mental conditions. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Theory, etc., are just a few examples of therapeutic interventions that include mindfulness practice. More, all the interventions are well supported by empirical data. The reader is left with a clear understanding of [mindfulness’] main features and its envisaged therapeutic role.”
Alexandra Varga, Metapsychology Online, 22 (2), January 2018.
"This slim manual is packed with information. As the title would suggest, Mindfulness centers around the most up-to-date research in this field and its application to the practice of psychotherapy.
As both a clinical psychologist and a yoga instructor, the information in this book resonated with me. Although this manual is research-based, it is written in clear, easy-to-understand language. [...] I believe this volume to be an excellent overview of mindfulness in psychotherapy. I would recommend it to any mental health practitioner with an interest in this area."
Beth Cholette, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, at http://metapsychology.mentalhelp.net, vol. 21, September 2017
"With the proliferation of modalities integrating components of meditation and mindfulness practice, this book is a welcome addition to Hogrefe’s Advances in Psychotherapy: Evidence Based Practice Series: It is compact, easy to use, organized, succinct, detailed, and informative without being overdone.
Reading the description of mindfulness in the first few pages of this book felt refreshing. I felt a sense of synthesis, a sense of completion as if these authors gathered together all these dangling strands threaded them through the eye of one needle to then stitch their text together.
The book reads well despite the overall density and depth of detail. One walks away with a clear understanding of mindfulness as it stands apart from the Buddhist practice and belief (East meets West) and how specific Western therapeutic interventions have incorporated it into their program."
Nancy Eichhorn, PhD, in Somatic Psychotherapy Today, 2017, Volume 7, Number 2, page 21
"This small book provides great information and insights that should be helpful to both beginning therapists and those therapists who are interested in knowing about mindfulness prior to deciding to incorporate it into their work. Readers of Mindfulness can find discussions of (a) some roots of, (b) empirical support for, (c) assessment of, and (d) practical suggestion for incorporating mindfulness practices into their practices. We especially liked the authors’ inclusion of the importance of therapists’ attitudes and personal practice."
Mitchell M. Handelsman, PhD, Professor of Psychology and CU President's Teaching Scholar, University of Colorado Denver, and Bethann Bierer, PhD, licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice and Senior Instructor, Department Psychology, University of Colorado Denver, in PsycCRITIQUES, vol. 62, 2017
Praise for the book
"If you’re looking for a brief introduction to mindfulness in contemporary evidence-based practice, this is where to start. The mindfulness literature has become so large that it’s impossible to keep up. This informative book provides a concise overview of Buddhist roots, current theories, and assessment and treatment methods."
Ruth A. Bear, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Author of The Practicing Happiness Workbook: How Mindfulness Can Free You From the Four Psychological Traps That Keep You Stressed, Anxious, and Depressed
"Offering conceptual clarity, depth, and analysis, this book skillfully and clearly guides the reader through the practice and implementation of effective mindfulness-based interventions."
Zindel V. Segal, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology in Mood Disorders, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, ON, Canada; Author of The Mindful Way Workbook
"The science of mindfulness is evolving so rapidly, and in so many directions, that it has become difficult to get a handle on it. This book does so admirably, providing the most compact, yet most comprehensive introduction to mindfulness research available today. If you want to know what the great flourishing of mindfulness science is all about, this book is for you. It will give you valuable tools to enhance your own life experience, too."
Kirk Warren Brown, PhD, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth
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