
von Todd A. Smitherman, Donald B. Penzien, Jeanetta C. Rains, Robert A. Nicholson, Timothy T. Houle

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 30

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ISBN: 9780889373280
2015, xiv/112 Seiten
€ 23,36

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Headache (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616763282
2015, xiv/112 Seiten
€ 19,99
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The conceptualization, assessment, and evidence-based behavioral treatment of migraine and headache – how to ensure optimal outcomes with two of the most common medical conditions in the world.

This book describes the conceptualization, assessment, and evidence-based behavioral treatment of migraine and tension-type headache – two of the world’s most common medical conditions, and also frequent, highly disabling comorbidities among psychiatric patients.

Headache disorders at their core are neurobiological phenomena, but numerous behavioral factors play an integral role in their onset and maintenance – and many providers are unfamiliar with how to work effectively with these patients to ensure optimal outcomes.

This book, the first major work on behavioral treatment of headache in over 20 years, provides much-needed help: An overview of relevant psychological factors and the behavioral conceptualization of headache is followed by a step-by-step, manual-type guide to implementing behavioral interventions within clinical practice settings. Mental health practitioners and trainees and other healthcare professionals who want to improve their headache patients’ outcomes by supplementing routine medical treatment with empirically supported behavioral strategies will find this book invaluable.

Earn 5 CE credits for reading volumes of the Advances in Psychotherapy book series. Click here to find out more!

From the reviews:

"Headache management is complex, and this small volume gives an overview of what comprehensive care should contain. [It] is short, readable, and does a service to the field by emphasizing the importance of using multiple approaches, both behavioral and pharmacological, coupled with the self-management model to bring optimal success to headache management. Family physicians and specialists like neurologists may not always be aware what behavioral specialists have to offer their patients with migraine and other headache types. The behavioral parts of this book … very concisely outline the basic components of a behavioral headache treatment program, and all this presented in a very readable and engaging manner."
Werner J. Becker in PsycCRITIQUES (June 8, 2015), 60 (23)

“This installment in the Advances in Psychotherapy series is a thorough guide to the effective diagnosis and treatment of headache. As with all of the books in this series, this one is written for a wide range of mental health professionals, but neurologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists will benefit the most from this one. Another wonderful feature of these books is their usefulness across clinical, research, and academic settings. The Advances in Psychotherapy series provides excellent coverage of the most common and pertinent topics in the field of mental health. This volume on headache is no exception."
Nicholas Greco IV, MS, BCETS, CATSM (Columbia College of Missouri), in Doody's Book Reviews, 2015

Praise for the book:

“This concise but comprehensive handbook covers the theoretical conceptualization, the research efficacy, and the ‘how to’ of behavioral management of headache. This is an easy to read and easy to use guide for mental health practitioners as well as other healthcare providers who want to understand more about behavioral health integration into primary healthcare or the specialty care of headaches.”
Beverly E. Thorn, PhD, Professor of Psychology, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

“For clinicians and others who seek a single authoritative, clearly presented, and fully referenced discussion of how to manage tension-type headache and migraine, this book is what they are looking for!”
John F. Rothrock, MD, Director, Renown Institute for the Neurosciences, Reno, NV; Professor and Chair, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV

“Remarkably comprehensive yet brief, this book distills the clinical approach to headache into a well-organized and manageable guide. The seamless meshing of the best evidence with practical guidance for using behavioral therapies in headache makes both the why and the how crystal clear.”
Douglas C. McCrory, MD, MHS, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC

Ref-ID:600328_M   P-ID:600328_M

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