Suicidal Behavior

von Richard McKeon

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 14

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Suicidal Behavior
ISBN: 9780889375062
2nd ed. 2022, viii/120 Seiten
€ 23,36

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Suicidal Behavior (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616765064
2nd ed. 2022, viii/120 Seiten
€ 19,99
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Learn how to assess and treat clients at risk of suicide

  • Incorporates the latest research
  • Highlights the best risk assessment and treatment practices
  • Presents new models explaining the development of suicidal ideation
  • Clear guidance on crisis management and documentation
  • Full of hands-on tips, case examples, and clinical pearls

A new edition with the latest approaches to assessment and treatment of suicidal behavior

With more than 800,000 deaths worldwide each year, suicide is one of the leading causes of death. The second edition of this volume incorporates the latest research, showing which empirically supported approaches to assessment, management, and treatment really help those at risk. Updates include comprehensively updated epidemiological data, the role opioid use problems, personality disorders, and trauma play in suicide, new models explaining the development of suicidal ideation, and the zero suicide model. This book aims to increase clinicians' access to empirically supported interventions for suicidal behavior, with the hope that these methods will become the standard in clinical practice.

The book is invaluable as a compact how-to reference for clinicians in their daily work and as an educational resource for students and for practice-oriented continuing education. Its reader-friendly structure makes liberal use of tables, boxed clinical examples, and clinical vignettes. The book, which also addresses common obstacles in treating individuals at risk for suicide, is an essential resource for anyone working with this high-risk population.

Praise for the book

“This remarkable book provides a concise guide to understanding and preventing suicidal behavior. It presents an authoritative, clear description of risk assessment, crisis management, and treatment of suicidal individuals. This updated, second edition synthesizes the current scientific evidence base with clinical wisdom to present practical methods of intervening to help suicidal patients. It is a key resource on suicidal behavior that will be useful to mental health professionals, from senior experts to those in training. Application of the principles from this book has the potential to be lifesaving.”
Dale E. McNiel, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of California, San Francisco; Chief Psychologist at Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics

“Dr. Richard McKeon, one of the world's leading figures in suicide prevention, returns to his roots as a clinical psychologist with this book, translating research results and best practices into cogent guidance for anyone who works with suicidal individuals. The complexity of the challenge that suicide presents is matched only by the clarity of Dr. McKeon’s guidance. This is a truly invaluable resource.”
Michael Hogan, PhD, Former Chairman, President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health

Ref-ID:600506_M   P-ID:600506_M

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