Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults

von Brian P. Daly, Michael J. Silverstein, Ronald T. Brown

Reihe: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Band 35

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
ISBN: 9780889375994
2nd ed. 2024, viii/90 Seiten
€ 23,36

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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults (PDF & EPUB)
ISBN: 9781616765996
2nd ed. 2024, viii/90 Seiten
€ 19,99
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A fully updated edition of the popular guide to evidence-based assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults

  • New updated edition
  • Integrates the latest research and practices
  • Highlights strategies for multimodal treatment

The second edition of this popular text incorporates the latest research on assessment and treatment practices for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This neurodevelopmental disorder typically emerges during childhood, and often persists over the individual’s lifespan into adulthood but the presentation of symptoms may differ considerably between children and adults. Without appropriate symptom management, ADHD can significantly interfere with academic, emotional, social, and work functioning. When properly identified, diagnosed, and treated, outcomes in adults with ADHD are encouraging.

This volume is both a compact “how to” reference for use by professionals in their daily work and an ideal educational reference for students. It has a similar structure to other books in the Advances in Psychotherapy series and informs the reader of all aspects involved in the assessment and management of ADHD in adults. The new edition also explores how psychosocial adversity factors impact the development and functional impairments associated with ADHD and highlights strategies used in the multimodal treatment of ADHD in adults. Best practice approaches are offered for common problems encountered when carrying out treatments.

A companion volume ADHD in Children and Adolescents is also available.

From the reviews

“Overall, this book is helpful, valuable, and an easy-to-read reference book. It contains information on both assessment and treatment – a compact presentation of material with a “how-to” framework for professionals and a learning tool framework for students. This second edition is worth replacing the original.”
Charla S. Waxman, BS, MBA, EdD, Lake Behavioral Hospital, Wuakegan, IL, in Doody’s Reviews, June 2024

Praise for the book

“The second edition of ADHD in Adults delivers state-of-the-art information that is solidly grounded in theory and empirical evidence. Guidelines for assessment, differential diagnosis, and effective treatment practices are provided in a concise, clear fashion along with many clinician-friendly features (e.g., key concepts stated in page margins, medication decision-making template, appendices, and links to additional resources). Dr. Daly and colleagues have produced an essential resource for all aspiring and current mental health professionals who work with adults with ADHD.”
George J. DuPaul, PhD, Professor of School Psychology; Associate Dean for Research at the College of Education, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

“This book presents a concise, yet comprehensive and up-to-date depiction of the theories, models, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD in adults. The work is based on a thorough review of the empirical literature. It is easy to read and ideal for graduate students, early-stage clinicians, and anyone else who is interested in learning about this disorder.”
Ricardo Eiraldi, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Ref-ID:600599_M   P-ID:600599_M

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