Learn about the French School of psychoanalytical projective methods in personality assessment:
- Explores the theory and methods
- Full of therapeutic tips and detailed case studies
- Clinical tools for the TAT and Rorschach in the appendix
More about the book
This unique book synthesizes the work of leading thinkers of the French School of psychoanalytical projective methods in personality assessment. The French School is a direct successor to Rorschach's and Murray's original approaches using the Rorschach Test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Underlying this method is the idea of the coexistence of conscious and unconscious processes, of opposite instinctual pairs, and of agents that are ruled by conflicts (Freud). Transitional activity is seen as part of an intermediate space, a mediator space, and bearer of messages between the subject and the clinician (Winnicott). This book brings to life the important contributions of the French School, firstly exploring its theories and methods and then its clinical applications. Detailed case studies from different stages of life examine the psychopathology of everyday life with its severe and disabling states of suffering. Contemporary advances in research and clinical work are presented, and the groundbreaking early work of Nina Rausch de Traubenberg, Vica Shentoub, and Rosine Debray are also critically reread and discussed.
Clinical tools adapted for clinicians and researchers in the appendices include a useful schema to facilitate the interpretation of the Rorschach and TAT together, a list of latent solicitations for the TAT, and the current version of the TAT Scoring Grid.
This book is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, researchers, and students interested in applying psychoanalytical theory to projective methods.
Praise for the bookThis compendium is a remarkable synthesis by leading figures of the French School of psychoanalytic projective methods in personality assessment. This skillfully edited and magnificently translated book provides the English-speaking world with access to the rich and vibrant tradition of the French School. It pays fitting tribute to the legacy, mentorship, and contributions of Nina Rausch de Traubenberg, Rosine Debray, and Vica Shentoub, and contains scholarly and creative contributions on theory, methods, and clinical applications with rich case studies, as well as topics such as mentalization, representation, somatic disorders, trauma, and bipolar disorders. This volume is essential reading for advanced students, clinicians, and researchers who want to expand their knowledge on the French School of projective techniques and methods. I literally could not put this book down!
Howard D. Lerner, PhD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Faculty, Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
This precious book shines a bright and searching light on the power of the French School’s approach in psychoanalytical theory! As a professor, psychoanalyst, and projective tests expert, I highly recommend this must-have book to mental health professionals, clinicians, and test specialists. It highlights key concepts of personality, such as narcissism and self-representation, and also includes valuable psychoanalytic interpretations of projective tests such as the Rorschach and TAT and their use both in a diagnostic setting and as metacognitive tools in clinical psychology and psychopathology research.
Tevfika Ikiz, Psychoanalyst, Professor of Psychology at Istanbul University, Turkey, and President of the Turkish Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods