• Psychometric tests and assessment tools may only be provided to qualified professionals who have an appropriate certification for their use. Please complete the qualification form and send other relevant documentation (e.g. master’s degree or doctorate diploma in psychology or related field). You can either upload the documents directly or send them to us by email.

Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire

2025 (U.S. version)

by Alexander Grob, Carola Smolenski, Lucia Gasparovicova

Paper and Pencil

* Online assessments are accessed through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS)

Paper and Pencil
product number: HUS5581802
in preparation
Excluding tax

* Online assessments are accessed through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS)

Starter Kit (includes 10 Standard Reports and eManual)
product number: HUS73301
in preparation
Excluding tax
Kit (includes 25 Standard Reports and eManual)
product number: HUS73321
in preparation
Excluding tax
Standard Report (10)
product number: HUS73350
in preparation
Excluding tax
Standard Report (25)
product number: HUS73351
in preparation
Excluding tax
product number: HUS73396
in preparation
Excluding tax

Area of use

The Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire (FEEL-KJ-2) is a self-report questionnaire for individuals ages 9-20 years that evaluates the behaviors they use to manage their emotions. Questions are rated on a five-point Likert scale, indicating the extent to which various regulation strategies are used when experiencing the set of three emotions (anger, anxiety, and sadness).

Qualification Level B

Language Versions

U.S. English, Dutch, and German; U.K. English edition in progress.

Product Description

The FEEL-KJ-2 assesses regulation strategies when confronted with the emotions of anger, anxiety, and sadness in children, adolescents, and young adults ages 9-20 years. The questionnaire consists of 30 items relating to each emotion for a total of 90 items that are organized into 15 scales or strategies for dealing with the emotions:

  • Seven positive or Adaptive Strategies;
  • Five negative or Maladaptive Strategies; and
  • Three additional strategies that could be considered positive or negative, depending on the situation.

A Standard Report provides narrative text, a profile sheet, and T-scores. Scores are based on combined gender norms at each age group (9-20 years) for the 15 individual strategies, and the two overarching categories of Adaptive Strategies and Maladaptive Strategies. Within these two overarching categories, totals are also provided for anger, anxiety, and sadness, to see if the type of strategy being applied differs between the three emotions.

When Should the FEEL-KJ-2 be Used?

The FEEL-KJ-2 can be helpful in social-emotional evaluations, as well as when designing treatment plans. Baseline information can be gathered and the individual’s progress of increasing the use of adaptive strategies, and lessening reliance on maladaptive strategies, can be assessed over time. Because the FEEL-KJ-2 has been validated against well-respected measures for diagnosing psychological disorders, the results of the FEEL-KJ-2 can provide an indication of the risk for the development of mental health problems. It can be used in both developmental and clinical diagnostics by school psychologists, school counselors, social workers, and mental health providers.

Online Testing

The FEEL-KJ-2 is available with online administration through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS), and the FEEL-KJ-2 eManual is viewable in HTS. Please click here for an overview.

HTS access is via a subscription model, where users pay an annual fee for periodic maintenance and upgrades to new features. This fee is being waived through the end of 2025, as we invite you to become familiar with HTS for your assessment needs.

To create an account on HTS contact us by email or phone (978-255-3700).


Reliability (Cronbach's alpha) calculations for the individual strategy scales on the FEEL-KJ-2 are between .71 and .88, and for the overarching categories of Adaptive and Maladaptive Strategies between .76 and .94, demonstrating good to excellent internal consistency. Retest reliability (n = 100) ranged from .70 to .91.

Test Validity

An EFA (exploratory factor analysis) demonstrated a satisfactory fit to the data for the FEEL-KJ-2 scales, and results strongly support the theoretical structure of the test at both the strategy and overarching category level, demonstrating evidence of its internal validity. Convergent validity was measured against the Beck Anxiety Inventory for Youth (BAI-Y), the Beck Depression Inventory for Youth (BDI-Y), and the Beck Anger Inventory for Youth (BANI-Y), and results are reported in the manual.


A representative sample (N=734) from 38 states matching the U.S. Census data for region, ethnicity, parental level of education, with an even ratio of boys to girls (including non-gender conforming participants) was collected in 2023-2024.

Processing Time

The FEEL-KJ-2 is untimed, and typically takes 25 minutes to complete.

Copyright year


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