Area of use
The Emotional Processing Scale (EPS) is a short questionnaire designed to identify emotional processing styles and potential deficits. The EPS is for use by clinicians working in mental health, psychological therapy and health psychology, as well as researchers interested in the emotional life of healthy individuals and other populations.
Language Versions
English, German
Product Description
The EPS can be used to:
- identify and quantify healthy and unhealthy styles of emotional processing;
- assess the contribution of poor emotional processing to physical, psychosomatic and psychological disorders;
- provide a non-diagnostic framework to assess patients for research or therapy;
- measure changes in emotions during therapy/counselling;
- and assist therapists in incorporating an emotional component into their formulations of psychological therapy.
The EPS provides the individual with a series of 25 statements to rate as to their applicability of how they felt or acted during the last week. The EPS uses five subscales (Suppression, Signs of unprocessed emotion, Controllability of emotion, Avoidance, and Emotional experience) to generate a total emotional processing score.
Online testing
Our online testing is available through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS) – click here for an overview.
HTS access is via a subscription model, where users pay an annual fee for periodic maintenance and upgrades to new features. This fee is being waived through 2024, as we invite you to become familiar with HTS for your assessment needs.
To create an account on HTS contact us by email or phone (978-255-3700).
When ordering test materials for the first time, we request that you provide documentation indicating you have the requisite qualifications or experience to administer psychological tests. Please download and complete the Qualification for Test Purchase.
Both internal consistency and split-half reliability coefficients are outlined in the manual for five datasets, including the overall healthy norm group. All coefficients are more than sufficient to represent strong reliability of the test.
Test Validity
The EPS has been validated against existing assessment scales showing meaningful relationships with the regulation of emotion and psychological symptoms of anxiety and depression. It has also been shown to be predictive of postnatal depression.
Healthy community population (N=1,383)
Processing Time
The EPS is untimed and typically takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Copyright year