Area of Use
The temperament of a child is widely acknowledged to be an important factor in their emotional and educational development. The Integrative Child Temperament Inventory (ICTI) is a standardized assessment of child temperament for use in applied settings with children aged 2 to 8 years.
Language Versions
US English, UK English
Product Description
The ICTI is used to assess aspects of temperament in children, measuring child temperament traits for which a broad consensus now exists across theories. The assessment covers the following core dimensions of temperament; the individual scales are combined to form a temperament profile:
- Frustration/Anger
- Behavioural Inhibition
- Activity Level
- Attention/Persistence
- Sensory Sensitivity
The ICTI is available online and the report includes a graphical profile and narrative to assist in conversations with parents or caregivers and provides a basis for any interventions. When a child is being tested in the context of an individual clinical assessment, a temperament profile should not be considered in isolation, but take into account the upbringing of the child as well as current and previous diagnostic statuses.
Online testing
Our online testing is available through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS) – click here for an overview.
HTS access is via a subscription model, where users pay an annual fee for periodic maintenance and upgrades to new features. This fee is being waived as we invite you to become familiar with HTS for your assessment needs.
To create an account on HTS contact us by email or phone (978-255-3700).
When ordering test materials for the first time, we request that you provide documentation indicating you have the requisite qualifications or experience to administer psychological tests. Please download and complete the Qualification for Test Purchase.
The internal consistency coefficients were satisfactory across the US norm group, ranging from .74 to .85. Test-retest was completed on a subsample of UK participants, and coefficients range from .73 to .88.
Test Validity
Factorial and convergent validity studies are described in the test manual.
Age group specific US norms (n=3,491) and UK norms (n=1,134).
Processing Time
Administration time is approximately 30 minutes.
Copyright Year