• Psychometric tests and assessment tools may only be provided to qualified professionals who have an appropriate certification for their use. Please complete the qualification form and send other relevant documentation (e.g. master’s degree or doctorate diploma in psychology or related field). You can either upload the documents directly or send them to us by email.

Intelligence and Development Scale® – 2nd Edition

UK adaptation by Anna Barnett, Nichola Stuart and Serena Vanzan

2021 (U.K. edition): U.S. edition currently in standardization

by Alexander Grob, Priska Hagmann-von Arx

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
IDS-2 Introductory Kit
product number: HUS5562000
Excluding tax

Area of Use

The US version of the IDS-2 is currently in data collection. If you would like to purchase the UK version, please email us at customersupport@hogrefe.com.

The IDS-2 is a global cognitive assessment of children designed to identify their knowledge, strengths, and relevant areas for development. With 30 subtests covering six domains, the IDS-2 offers a comprehensive diagnostic assessment. Developed in a modular framework with friendly test materials, the IDS-2 makes it easy for the practitioner to personalize the testing session for each child and adolescent from 5–20.11 years.

Language Versions

The IDS-2 is now available in UK English and is in the process of being adapted for practitioners in the U.S. It is published in German, Dutch, Polish and Italian and in progress in Danish, Finnish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish and Swedish.

Product Description

The second edition of the highly successful German IDS, first published in 2009, the new IDS-2 provides information on the child’s strengths and developmental needs, thus painting a picture of where support is needed to help them achieve their full potential. Its flexible modular design is easily tailored by the psychologist, and booklets and record sheets are color-coded for ease of use during the testing session.

The IDS-2 covers the functional dimensions of intelligence, executive functions, psychomotor skills, social-emotional competence, basic school skills and motivation and work attitude. Psychologists use the assessment when identifying and diagnosing intellectual disabilities and learning disorders, evaluating cognitive and motor skills, and to help understand emotional strengths and weaknesses.

Specifically, the Assessment Measures:

  • Intelligence – including IQ Screening (2 tests), General Intelligence (7 tests), and Complete IQ Profile (14 tests)
  • Executive functions – including Inhibition, Working Memory, and Cognitive Flexibility
  • Psychomotor Skills
  • Social-Emotional Skills
  • Scholastic Skills – including mathematical reasoning, reading and spelling
  • Motivation and Attitude (ages 11–20).

Kit includes

  • Theory and Administration Manuals
  • Binders for Intelligence, Executive functions, and General Development
  • Copies of each record form, test sheets and response booklets
  • Electronic evaluation credits for use with HTS
  • Scoring templates, acetates and reading cards
  • Box of nonverbal materials
  • Carrying case

More information

IDS Intelligence and Development Scales™


Norms for the IDS-2 use state-of-the-art ‘continuous norming’ to provide the precise information which can be critical when assessing a child’s development. Scoring is online through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS), a platform designed by psychologists for psychologists, eliminating errors and removing the need for manual scoring. No license is necessary; a scoring credit is included with the purchase of each paper record form.

Processing Time

Approximate testing times are as follows:

  • Intelligence: IQ Screening (10 minutes)
  • IQ General Intelligence (50 minutes)
  • IQ Complete Profile (90 minutes)
  • Executive Functions (30 minutes)
  • Psychomotor Skills (20 minutes)
  • Social-Emotional skills (15 minutes)
  • Scholastic Skills (according to age: 30–60 minutes)
  • Motivation and Attitude (7 minutes)

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