- Psychometric tests and assessment tools may only be provided to qualified professionals who have an appropriate certification for their use. Please complete the qualification form and send other relevant documentation (e.g. master’s degree or doctorate diploma in psychology or related field). You can either upload the documents directly or send them to us by email.
Rorschach® Test
- Psychometric tests and assessment tools may only be provided to qualified professionals who have an appropriate certification for their use. Please complete the qualification form and send other relevant documentation (e.g. master’s degree or doctorate diploma in psychology or related field). You can either upload the documents directly or send them to us by email.
Set of 10 plates in a folder
by Hermann Rorschach
Area of Use
Language Versions
Product Description
When the ink blots that Hermann Rorschach designed and created were first printed, he and his publisher Verlag Hans Huber – now known as Hogrefe Publishing - developed special printing processes and techniques to achieve the precise colours and shades he had conceived. Right up until the present day, each reprinting of the plates themselves requires enormous care and technical expertise. As experienced Rorschach users know, the precise colouring and shading of the ink blots and their consistency and constancy over a period of decades are core characteristics of the test, characteristics that are absolutely essential both to the validity of results obtained now and also to the long-term scientific reliability and reputation of the test.
With the collaboration and advice of the International Society of the Rorschach & Projective Methods (ISR) Hogrefe continues to produce the Rorschach® Test plates based on this highly specialised, historical knowledge under strict quality controls. For this reason, the original Rorschach® Test plates produced by Hogrefe are the only ones approved by the ISR for use in Rorschach diagnostics.
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