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The AMDP System

Manual for Assessment and Documentation of Psychopathology in Psychiatry

9th edition

Edited by: Matthew R. Broome, Ronald Bottlender, Michael Rösler, Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
9th edition 2018, xii/198 pp.
product number: 0119912
Excluding tax
25 Documentation Forms
product number: 0119913
Excluding tax

Area of Use

This clearly structured manual enables the standardized application of the system, making it an invaluable tool in the training of medicine and psychology students and an essential reference volume in the psychiatric field.

Language Versions

English, French, German, and Portuguese

Product Description

Now in its 9th edition, the AMDP System is a widely used tool for documenting psychiatric symptoms in clinical and research projects. It is an essential part of many internal clinical documentation systems, and a valuable instrument for training in the identification of psychopathological symptoms.

This new edition, now in English, involved the complete revision of the psychopathological and somatic symptoms, with particular attention to the elimination of ambiguities and inconsistencies, the precision of definitions, the exact differentiation of the self and other ratings, and the user friendliness of the system. Taking into account developments in recent years in the description and rating of psychopathological symptoms, this latest edition of the AMDP System has been extended by an additional eleven psychopathological and three somatic symptoms and a new section on syndrome formation in the appendix.

The AMDP System uses a four-page documentation form for the recording and assessment of personal history, psychopathological findings and somatic findings. The sections on psychopathological findings and somatic findings represent the core elements of the AMDP System. For reasons of practicality, this form also includes a section on personal history (name, date of birth, current living arrangements, etc.). The different parts of the form may be used separately and independently of each other.

Release Note

In use since 2017.

Copyright Year


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