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Creative Response Evaluation - Work

1st edition 2019

by James C. Kaufman, Roni Reiter-Palmon

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* Online assessments are accessed through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS)

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Area of Use

The Creative Response Evaluation – Work (CRE-W) assists organizations with selection, development, and the building of successful project teams by measuring different types of creative thinking in a business context.

Qualification Level C

Language Versions

UK English, US English, Dutch and Italian

Product Description

Research shows that creativity is one of the characteristics most needed to cope with today’s complex business environment. The Creative Response Evaluation – Work (CRE-W) assists organizations with selection, development, and the building of successful project teams by measuring different types of creative thinking in a business context.

Candidates respond to 12 situation-based, realistic work problems and the CRE-W measures the test taker’s ability to innovate, and reports on how likely they are to use their creative initiative in the workplace.

Three scores are calculated:

  • The Creative Initiative score measures the overall likelihood of the respondent choosing a creative response when faced with a critical decision.
  • The New creative thinking style score reflects the tendency to think of radically new ideas, pursue multiple opportunities and take risks.
  • The Different creative thinking style score reflects the tendency to adapt and improve existing ideas, processes, products and services, while taking account of constraints.

Online testing

Our online testing is available through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS) – click here for an overview.

HTS access is via a subscription model, where users pay an annual fee for periodic maintenance and upgrades to new features. This fee is being waived as we invite you to become familiar with HTS for your assessment needs.

To create an account on HTS contact us by email or phone (978-255-3700).


When ordering test materials for the first time, we request that you provide documentation indicating you have the requisite qualifications or experience to administer psychological tests. Please download and complete the Qualification for Test Purchase.


Internal Consistency for the US sample was .89 for the Creative Initiative score and .81 for New creative thinking style and .79 for Different creative thinking style. Test-retest coefficient, corrected for range restriction, was .88 for the Creative Initiative score.

Test Validity

Validity against measures of creativity (a measure of divergent thinking, a creative problem-solving task, the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale and the Remote Associates Test) is reported in the manual, as well as validity as a personality construct with a small study using the NEO-PI-3 and the Big Five domains. This research presents a pattern of correlations that supports the construct validity of the scores.


US working population (N=825)

Processing Time

CRE-W is untimed and typically takes 20 minutes to complete.

Copyright Year


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