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Management Development Questionnaire - Revised

1st edition 2004

by Allan Cameron

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* Online assessments are accessed through the Hogrefe Testsystem (HTS)

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Area of Use

The Management Development Questionnaire - Revised (MDQ-R) assesses the management, leadership and emotional intelligence competencies that are essential to success across organizational levels. Results can be applied in recruitment, selection, promotion, and development across all organizational levels. Designed for current and potential future leaders, the MDQ-R can help test takers develop and improve by providing a picture of their relative strengths and areas for development.

Qualification Level C

Language Versions


Product Description

The MDQ-R is a self-report personality measure with a framework that assesses 20 individual competencies across seven higher-order competency factors. Three of these factors are elements of management, and three are elements of leadership. The seventh emotional intelligence competencies underpin both management and leadership effectiveness, and an Impression Management scale is also included. Results can be combined to provide an overall profile of a test taker’s strengths and areas for development and can also be broken down from the perspective of management vs. leadership:

  • The management competency scales measure the capabilities required to administer processes and systems efficiently and deliver products and services reliably.
  • The leadership competency scales measure the capabilities needed to lead major change successfully and take an organization into the future.

Online testing

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The internal consistency reliabilities of the six higher-order competency factors of management and leadership range from 0.85 to 0.91 with a median reliability of 0.86. This median reliability is in the range defined as good (r=0.8 to 0.89) in the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) Review Model.

Test Validity

Validity studies are discussed in the manual, including the corrected correlations between the leadership and management domain scales to self-reported job appraisal ratings, which were 0.42 and 0.14. Although both correlations are statistically significant, the leadership scales were a much stronger predictor of job performance.


International US, UK and Europe working population (N=1,029)

Processing Time

The MDQ-R is untimed, and typically takes 20 minutes to complete.

Copyright Year


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